50 Incredibly Useful Links for ELL Educators - Online College Courses | Eclectic Technology | Scoop.it
We hope you'll find lots of valuable content and tools through these incredibly useful links for ELL educators.

This list is divided into the following sections (quoted from post).

* Websites - Resource tools, printalbe, and other great stuff for ELL educators are all available on these sites.

* Articles and Advice - Check out resource lists, journal articles, and ideas for best practices in ELL on these links.

* Organizations - Take advantage of the great opportunities and resources available from these organizations that benefit ELL teachers.

* Learning Resources - Enrich your students' learning by sharing these excellent English resources that they can check out in the classroom or on their own.

* Teaching Resources - With these resources, you can find great ways to communicate more effectively, explore lessons, and be a great ELL teacher.

* Reference - From reference books to a pronunciation guide, you and your students will get a lot of use out of these links.

* Communities and Blogs - Get help and regular feedback for ELL education from these communities and blogs.