On Educational Data Mining | Eclectic Technology | Scoop.it

"The Department of Education released a draft report about big data and education today. It's called "Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics," a title that's unlikely to win any converts to the notion of a data-curious* view of learning. Part of what's going to get stuck in the craw is that phrase "data mining," I reckon."

Do we really understand what data mining?  This post links to an interview that may help you understand this question. It also looks at the how data mining practices might be used in education, along with learning analytics around questions such as (and all quoted from the article):

* What sequence of topics is most effective for a specific student?
* What student actions are associated with more learning?
* What student actions indicate satisfaction, engagement, learning progress, etc.?
* What will predict student success?
*When is a student falling behind and/or at risk for not completing a course?