EPIC-Ed | Empowering Digital Transition | Eclectic Technology | Scoop.it

What is EPIC-Ed? "Epic-ed [is] a national online community of practice, [which] offers a collaborative place where all educators can benefit from the opportunity to interact with others who are in the process of digital transition." They define digital transition as "the process of gradually moving away from a teacher-centered environment to a learning-centered environment." 

This page links you to their resources which includes the sections shown in the image: the four Cs, mobile learning, personalized learning, digital citizenship, highly connected educator and success story. A lengthy list of resources by category is also provided.

A key component of EPIC-Ed is the digital transition cycle, which has four phases. The cycle may start from any of these phases: Vision, Plan, Implement, Assess. For more information on the digital transition cycle: https://www.epiced.org/page/digital-transition.