Standardized testing the video game: Coming to a student near you | Eclectic Technology |

What will the new assessment tests look like when we move to testing on computers? Christopher Lehman explores this issues, noting that "there are loads of questions swirling around the development of these tests. My aim in this post is specifically to make sure you are aware of what is ahead, and more importantly, to suggest that you help your school keep an eye on what matters most — your students’ learning."

He provides a look at what "technology-enhanced" items may look like on the new tests, including a link to a site where you may intereact  with the test items. (Link to this site is

There are also links to addtional computer-based assessments.

After sharing this information Lehman asks us to consider an essential point - "our students' learning" and sharing some of the issues that computer-based testing may raise. This article provides much food for thought.