Naace: The iPad as a Tool For Education - a case study | Eclectic Technology |

Quoting the abstract from the report:

"This study review the impact on learning and teaching of the introduction of iPad devices an Longfield Academy, Kent since September 2011. It finds that with the majority of pupils now having the devices, there has been a significant and very positive impact on learning, as well as significant and still developing changes in pedagogy. Students are very positive about the devices and the impact they have on their motivation, ability to research, communicate and collaborate while staff increasingly exploit the range of educational Apps made available...The outcomes at Longfield clearly demonstrate the value of the iPad as an educational tool."

A detailed report that provides information that will assist any school that may be looking at implementing iPads. If you are using iPads in your school, or are considering implementing a 1-to-1 iPad initiative take the time to read this report.