Extending the Reach of Excellent Teachers - Opportunity Culture | Eclectic Technology | Scoop.it

Did you know that the US spends more per capita on K-12 education than most countries? The website Opportunity Culture asks the question why this gap exists? The short answer is that only 25% of classes are taught be "excellent teachers." 

The image above is one part of an infographic that looks at how to extend the reach of excellent teachers. Additional information that provides more detailed information is also on the website, where they explore Opportunity Culture, looking at:

* Why This Matters: What research says about the impact excellent teachers have on student learning.

* Redesigning Schools: More than 20 school models showing how to extend the reach of excellent teachers to more students, within budget...

* Reforming Policy: How to clear barriers and create the will to reach all students with excellent teachers fast.
* The Opportunity Culture Initiative: Public Impact’s work to disseminate new school models and to catalyze implementation nationally.

The infographic may be downloaded as a pdf at http://opportunityculture.org/wp-content/uploads/Extending-the-Reach-of-Excellent-Teachers-Infographic-Public-Impact.pdf