Why Seth Godin and Other School Reformers Shouldn't Dismiss Homeschooling | Eclectic Technology | Scoop.it

"Recently, author and changemaker Seth Godin published the e-book Stop Stealing Dreams, a manifesto on the future of education...a sweeping declaration of why schools are broken and how they ought to be fixed. In section #121 Godin gets to homeschooling: “Thousands of caring and committed parents are taking their kids out of the industrial system of schooling and daring to educate them themselves.” A promising first line! Then suddenly, without even a paragraph of consideration, Godin swats homeschooling aside, as if it were a senseless idea in a brainstorming session. It’s too challenging for most parents, too big a time commitment. It doesn’t give kids enough freedom to fail.


If you missed reading Stop Stealing Dreams you can find it at  http://www.squidoo.com/stop-stealing-dreams

 or search for Seth Godin in the tags.