Cogitations on ePortfolio in the age of LinkedIn by @michael_sankey on the ASCILITE TELall Blog | Educational Leadership |
Over recent years several universities have asked the question of themselves, ‘do we really need to support an ePortfolio system at X thousands of $ a year, when not all our disciplines are using it, unlike the LMS. Wouldn’t it be better for us to just ask our students to use LinkedIn, or set-up their own WordPress site?’  And on the surface that is a legitimate question, as LinkedIn does serve a useful purpose for the emerging professional.

Really the answer to that comes back to what we, as universities, are willing to do for our students to help them get a foothold in the workplace. To me it’s not a matter of which system will help them, it’s more about what combination of systems will help them, as no one system has yet been able to be all things for all people (otherwise we would all be using it).