Being Accountable for Our Own Learning: Seeking Out Professional Development | #LEARNing2LEARN #ModernEDU | Educational Pedagogy |
Allison Tallman October 3rd, 2016
In my recent post on teacher training programs, I discussed what I believe to be the characteristics of a high-quality teacher training program—qualities that helped me to best prepare for my first day of school. However, learning doesn’t stop there! With the continuous, nonstop changes in education, teachers are constantly learning new strategies, ideas, and research throughout their career.

Sometimes we are sent out for Professional Development (PD) workshops, while other times we attend required school-based or online sessions. In addition to PD workshops and sessions, teachers may choose to formally continue their education by receiving master’s degrees or a PhD, or by taking individual courses to receive credit.

What if the PD you are receiving doesn’t necessarily meet your needs and professional goals? What if attending graduate school isn’t the best option for you? What if you just don’t have the time to take classes? I believe that it is our job as teachers to be accountable for our own learning by seeking out the information we want to know. This is precisely why back-to-school is the perfect opportunity to think about your professional goals. I appreciate and understand that our time as teachers is valuable, so I present to you my favorite quick and efficient tips to “learn more,” without stepping into a classroom, workshop, or meeting.


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