ICRAR: Outreach and Education | Educational Pedagogy | Scoop.it
"ICRAR is the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, and we have a team of teachers and science communicators ready to help you (even as we learn more about the online world ourselves). This is a shorter reminder email that we have a few regular things on offer for teachers if you’re after some support.

 Tuesdays 4-5pm you can complete SPIRIT 101 and learn how to get your Y9/10 class involved with our fully online robotic telescopes (register here https://uwa.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5Alfuqupjgs9mU_ppSH9F8znSWgT8ypFg)

 Wednesdays 4-430 you can learn about AstroQuest and how you can use this citizen science project in your virtual classes (register here https://uwa.zoom.us/meeting/register/v5ElcO6sqjotE4o53Qm-Iqo3MYCdM-rrYw)

 Thursdays 4-430pm you can Ask an Astrophysicist your space science/universe questions if you might be struggling with concepts you still need to teach. Open to all teachers of all year levels. (Register here: https://uwa.zoom.us/meeting/register/uZcodOutrzotdp5k2WRkGug5EDplPqWJFQ)

 Links of interest:
- SPIRIT program http://spirit.icrar.org/ ;
- AstroQuest teacher resources https://astroquest.net.au/teachers/ ;
- ICRAR’s weekly astronomy lecture, Wednesdays 730pm AWST https://www.youtube.com/icrar ;

Via Kim Flintoff