3 Conversation Shifts in Education – George Couros @gcouros | Educational Pedagogy | Scoop.it
In March of 2015, I wrote the post, “3 Important Shifts in Education“, and focused on moving these three conversations:

“Digital Citizenship” to “Digital Empathy”
 “Student Voice” to “Student Leadership”
“Growth Mindset” to “Innovator’s Mindset”
The focus of the original post was not moving on from the former to the latter, but building upon and moving conversations forward.  Almost three years later after writing that post, I wanted to share three new conversations that I see education moving towards currently, and in the future.  These three are based on my travels working with educators all over North America, and hearing where they are taking their schools and their students. While many lament the slow speed of change in education, I would argue that it is happening in many schools at a rapid pace.  In this recent post from “The Washington Post” by Ted Dintersmith, he would suggest that he is observing some amazing examples of innovation in classrooms and schools as well:

Via John Evans