Is A 9-To-5 School Day The Solution For Working Parents? | eParenting and Parenting in the 21st Century |

And then there are all the school closings and holidays ― two weeks more off than the average employee has paid leave, according to a new report from the Center for American Progress.

It doesn’t, according to the report, entitled “Workin’ 9 to 5: How School Schedules Make Life Harder For Working Parents.” 

The public school schedule, they point out, was designed in a time when most mothers stayed home, and many children worked.

“What we saw was that schools sort of reflects this attitude of the 1950s, where there was an assumption that one adult, usually a woman, would be home to come to the school pick them up at 3 o’ clock or deal with it when the schools closed,” Ulrich Boser, Senior Fellow at the Center and co-author of the report, told The Huffington Post.