OER14: Outwards and Onwards | Open Education Working Group | Marieke Guy | Everything open | Scoop.it

"Building a Global Open Education Working Group from Marieke Guy

An interesting discussion took place as part of the day 1 panel session on whether communities are built or just evolve. It’s clear that there is no right and wrong here and there are many subtleties, but the Twitter comments made are noteworthy:

* Community is like that place in the park where people gather…we can’t build it

* It not simple to create open communities which are not localised as species often geographically specific

* I don’t think they just happen, maybe they need to be ‘nurtured’ or ‘fostered

* Master plan communities in the states – everything is planned out. And then a wall and gate around it. That’s not a community

* Do we actually build a community? Communities happen.

* Discussion of can we build community? Or are we just making links?

* But when you link communities, aren’t you ‘building’ a new community anyway?

* Surely people will do what people we do, and we offer resources to help them. We don’t “build” communities.