What I've learned in cultural tourism: Seven storytelling tips | Dale Jarvis | How to find and tell your story | Scoop.it

"I’ve been running the St. John’s Haunted Hike ghost tour and working as a professional storyteller since 1997, and along the way, I have trained many other storytellers, guides, museum workers and interpreters, volunteers, and docents about telling stories in museums, historic sites, and parks. I was recently asked for a list of things I have learning in a cultural tourism context."

Read the full article to find out more about Dale's seven storytelling tips:

  1. People want to hear good stories, well told
  2. Tourists want to feel like they are in on something local, or something secret
  3. Tell real stories about real people
  4. Tell a story you love, and your audience will love it too
  5. Don’t be afraid of difficult stories
  6. Stories are a living thing
  7. Be mindful of whose stories you are telling, and whose stories are not being told