LABOR DAY LOVED, AND LOST? It's not quite a week since everyone got back to the office. The summer glow/tan is fading, but hopefully everyone is reenergized and ready for action.


The challenge is to get everyone, including yourself, back on track and focused on the myriad of tasks waiting to be done. It will be a busy fall in a marketplace that is moving at an accelerated pace and your business is adjusting to faster feedback loops and competitive updates.


SOOTHE THE STRESS. This is an opportune moment to take steps to recognize issues that have created frustration and tension earlier in the year, before things escalate again. It's a good time to consider ways of working more flexibly in order to meet market needs as well as create employee experiences that will support their full engagement. The first step is to gather employee inputs and suggestions to get buy in and build trust. 


RADICAL REMEDIES? The evolved work environment that your company is interested to transition to may be pretty different from current circumstances. However, initial steps in the process can certainly be less than dramatic. The key is for employees to understand the intent and direction, and that transformation will happen over time.


EMBRACING PROGRESS. Your workforce will react positively if they can see that steps are being taken to move towards a Future of Work environment. They will be able to engage and respond in a manner that will productive for the business and bottomline as well as their lives.


Articles today here span a range of new work, careers and education models; more human corporate cultures; play as a stimulant for innovation; and bridging generational gaps.