The Work In Progress Report
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Workforce Report for San Francisco - Skills Gap

Josh Bersin from Deloitte notes 'Low unemployment is hard on employers. Job turnover rate hits a five year high at almost 20%. Healthcare it's over 30%. 

Sophie Wade's insight:

Turnover trouble! How are you going to keep the talent you need for your business to thrive? Good news is that money alone is not the answer. Think about the #EmployeeExperience AND consider increasing the blend of your workforce with more independent contractors.

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Digital disruption is catalysing next generation professional services | | Business Technology

Digital disruption is catalysing next generation professional services | | Business Technology | The Work In Progress Report |

"Digital disruption is battering everything from retailing, high street banking to taxi hailing and while professional services have appeared resistant to digital transformation, that too is about to change"

Sophie Wade's insight:

Has your company made its Digital Transformation yet? Best get behind the disruption instead of being blindsided by it. A great opportunity to find a new balance of talent and technology with the new highlighted talent agenda.

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Introducing the skills supply chain for the workforce of the future

Introducing the skills supply chain for the workforce of the future | The Work In Progress Report |
In any industry, you have some form of supply chain, it’s a core competency in your business model. Your skills supply chain should be no different.
Sophie Wade's insight:

The skills your business needs are ever-changing? How is your company identifying, mapping, and projecting internal and external workforce skills and needs?

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Why your talent-management strategy should link talent to value | McKinsey & Company

Why your talent-management strategy should link talent to value | McKinsey & Company | The Work In Progress Report |
A successful talent-management strategy gets the best people into the most important roles, focusing on where the organization really creates value and how top talent contributes.
Sophie Wade's insight:

Talent matters when it comes to creating value, creating results. All the more now. “Disconnects...between talent and value are risky business—and regrettably common.” Do your leaders recognize this?

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This Week's Muse & News

This Week's Muse & News | The Work In Progress Report |

POWER PYRAMID PARADIGM. Information—or access to it—used to be closely correlated with power. Those at the top of the pyramid had access to most of the information and typically rationed it out strategically down the pyramid. Those at the bottom had the least data, the least understanding, and consequently the least power. The internet and powerful mobile computers have collapsed this “Information Power Pyramid” disrupting the traditional power paradigm.


Furthermore, century-old “Command and Control” management theories combined with military models are now understood not to be very effective. These have long been utilized in combination with the assumption that money was the one key way to motivate workers. Much more research now exists about the many elements that actually motivate people—especially knowledge workers who make up an increasingly large proportion of the labor force. Autonomy was identified as being one essential factor by management guru Peter Drucker.


LEADING FROM WITHIN. What is the new currency of power if it is no longer knowledge? An interesting article here considers what happens with this paradigm shift –not such a recent piece, but shared again for its lasting relevance. The issue confirms again the changing leadership styles focusing now on empathy and evidence of the redistribution of control along the employer/employee continuum—giving more choices to and sharing more decisions with employees.

GETTING ALL EMOTIONAL?! Yep. Emotional Intelligence may become evaluated indirectly as a critical unit of power when combined with leaders’ ability to cede control and redistribute authority—and responsibility—effectively to employees to produce results. As Lao Tzu said “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.”


Articles reviewing the impact and use of emotion in the workplace lead us to consider the role we had delegated emotion to in our list of priorities. It’s a new workplace now, filled with workers encouraged to “be more themselves” and therefore more comfortable, so they can perform at higher levels.


Emotions are certainly part of these new fuller employee contributions. They are also important aspects to manage as part of an organization’s effective transformation where fear and inertia are so often hindering progress. We all know emotions matter. We can work with them openly now, not against them, to create the progress and adjustments desired.


How is your company dealing with new leadership styles throughout the organization? How well-equipped are leaders to handle the emotional sensitivities that support higher productivity? How is your company creating a sustainable work environment going forward? Email to get help addressing these issues.

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Flexibility, Fairness, Trust, Empowerment Make Work Human

Flexibility, Fairness, Trust, Empowerment Make Work Human | The Work In Progress Report |
​The upside of all the changes taking place in the world of work is that the human element is now being celebrated.
Sophie Wade's insight:

"The new organization looks like, feels like a living organism. Embrace that human element," said Sophie Wade

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Three Questions Your Business Needs To Answer With Workforce Analytics

Three Questions Your Business Needs To Answer With Workforce Analytics | The Work In Progress Report |
Talent policies should help build a workforce that aligns with corporate strategy and that drives stronger financial, customer, and operational performance.
Sophie Wade's insight:

Utilizing analytics to understand your workforce better.

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People Hate Their Jobs

People Hate Their Jobs | The Work In Progress Report |
Too many people hate their jobs. But it doesn't have to be that way. Here's how to revolutionize employee engagement, with little effort and no cost.
Sophie Wade's insight:

"There’s no nice way of putting this: The situation is simply catastrophic." What is YOUR company doing about it?

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Performance Management in the Gig Economy

Performance Management in the Gig Economy | The Work In Progress Report |
Full-time employees aren’t the only ones who need feedback.
Sophie Wade's insight:

"Performance management is the weakest link in managing and engaging agile talent and in gaining the greatest productivity from your external talent investment." How are YOU handling this issue?

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Face It: Career Jumps Are The Future Of Work

Face It: Career Jumps Are The Future Of Work | The Work In Progress Report |
It’s time to embrace the hotfooted nature of talent, and work with it to keep it from racing out the door.
Sophie Wade's insight:

The movement of talent and the latticed career pathways they are looking at ARE the way of the future. How is YOUR company handling it?

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How Digital Transformation Is Shifting Talent and Hiring

HR professionals hiring talent today need to fully appreciate the generalists who can shift gears as fast as technology is driving digital transformation.
Sophie Wade's insight:

For example, flexible is a mind-set that you want to hire, as well as offer as a working profile. 

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution is about empowering people, not the rise of the machines

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is about empowering people, not the rise of the machines | The Work In Progress Report |
Rather than devaluing their skills, the technology of today— and the technology that is yet to come — will help people to be better at their jobs.
Sophie Wade's insight:

The Future of Work in our tech-accelerated marketplace is about the balance of talent and technology. All interconnected, we can use sophisticated platforms, applications, and devices to enable and support our decentralized workforces.

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This Week's Future of Work Muse 

PERSONALITY PITCH. It’s time to get personal. Who are YOU? I’m an ENFP. If you are familiar with the Myers-Briggs personality types, you now have a good amount of information about my preferences—my likely style of communication, areas of strength and weakness, and whom I might work most effectively with at your company.


These are powerful insights and ones that would make much sense for me to reveal to a boss and team members to promote effective collaboration. What about sharing them with a strategic partner or other business relationship to support negotiating a productive conclusion?


Who does that though? Not too many people do yet. The number is growing though as the spotlight is starting to shine on talent. Especially as the workforce becomes decentralized, there is now greater desire, indeed need, for more understanding about managers’ and team members’ personalities, strengths, and skills to promote effective interactions and habits, and improve outcomes. 


I am currently enjoying Ray Dalio’s book, Principles. I love the idea he developed and implemented at his company, Bridgewater. Each employee has their own “baseball card” which documents their personality traits, strengths, skills, and elements of their track record. These are available for any colleague to view to help understand who they are and how to interact well, and how to create the strongest teams, matching complementary skills, traits, and strengths. 


In the past, we have each been defined by our company, department, and title. As business evolves, the focus is more on changing skills’ needs. Careers are becoming more latticed and weave through and between companies. Now, the weighting is more on us as individuals to define ourselves.


It’s not just about personal branding, but also about identifying our strengths and skills so that we can create and benefit from having our personal “baseball cards”. When we know more about who we are, we can work out what we want to emphasize and develop to improve our performance, maximize outcomes and progress, and manage our careers more easily.


If you are interested to understand more about Future-of-Work talent management, please contact me -  

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Winning with your talent-management strategy | McKinsey & Company

Three best practices for talent-management strategy support better business performance, as well as better overall people management, according to a new survey.
Sophie Wade's insight:

“Organizations with effective talent-management programs have a better chance than other companies of outperforming competitors”. How is your company managing talent?

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Re-Write Your Talent Playbook to Drive Strategy and Business Growth in a Fast-Paced World: An Interview with “Talent Wins” author Ram Charan

Re-Write Your Talent Playbook to Drive Strategy and Business Growth in a Fast-Paced World: An Interview with “Talent Wins” author Ram Charan | The Work In Progress Report |
An interview with Ram Charan, the author of "Talent Wins," about how insights from the book can be applied in the real-world.
Sophie Wade's insight:

Martin Zwilling quoting "Re-Write Your Talent Playbook to Drive Strategy and Business Growth in a Fast-Paced World"

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The Future of HR - Accenture Strategy

The Future of HR - Accenture Strategy | The Work In Progress Report |
Going beyond traditional boundaries to push talent management into the Future of HR and everywhere in the organization.
Sophie Wade's insight:

Attracting, developing and retaining talent is everyone's responsibility now. 

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Proactive Measures: Critical Success factors for the Future of Work

Proactive Measures: Critical Success factors for the Future of Work | The Work In Progress Report |
Proactive measures and personal involvement are becoming essential for your team, workforce, and business, as well as your own work and career.
Sophie Wade's insight:

My recent piece in Switch and Shift about the approach and involvement needed to succeed in the evolving Future-of-Work environment.

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Straight talk about big data | McKinsey & Company

Straight talk about big data | McKinsey & Company | The Work In Progress Report |
Sophie Wade's insight:

"The revolution in big data analytics is starting to transform how companies organize, operate, manage talent, and create value."

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Big Data: Now An Integral Part Of Talent Recruiting

Big Data: Now An Integral Part Of Talent Recruiting | The Work In Progress Report |
For HR and talent recruiting, it’s worth the effort to stay on top of Big Data and data science. Here’s why.
Sophie Wade's insight:

If your people are your company's key to success, understanding as much about them as possible so you can keep them, as well as where to find new talent, is going to be critical. Data can help you.

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HR Needs To Transform And Refocus Now, With HRBP

HR Needs To Transform And Refocus Now, With HRBP | The Work In Progress Report |
By playing a critical role in the way companies pursue their mission and get results, HRBPs are changing the way the business world views HR.
Sophie Wade's insight:

HR needs to transform to keep pace with the evolution of businesses. HR needs to drive business performance. 

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THIS WEEK'S MUSE - Conversation with Steve Levy, Tech Recruiting Veteran : Talent Shaping & Shapes - Circles & Pools.

The linear, continuous and compounding career has disappeared. No dispute. However, while the ‘high potentials’ continue to receive attention and direction, few companies have made much progress to fill in the void with new – personalized and ‘latticed’ – career models and pathways for the bulk of their employees.


The consequence of inaction? Without any indication as to how their potential is going to be developed or their futures unfold, employees naturally default to assuming that the company doesn’t care and there is no future for them there. Millennials may be particularly sensitive to this deficit as they have little sense of or faith in the career trajectories of ‘yesteryear’. Their consequent conclusion: It’s time to move on.


To engage and retain employees, as well as attract new hires, it is critical for companies to implement and continuously communicate innovative, new career frameworks. Unequivocally, creating and implementing an individualized, non-linear AND probably cross-functional, employee career development initiative is no easy task. In the transitioning world of work, new options like talent circulation and job rotations are increasingly well-received, and the possibilities are exciting…in theory. However, there are significant practical implications for corporations of almost any size looking to execute them.


Steve Levy is all too aware of these challenges. As a veteran in the field, he has seen many evolutions of the recruiting discipline – from both internal and external perspectives – working in close association with HR. He notices new trends and futurist projections, absorbing them to the extent he deems appropriate, undermining hyperbole with a wry smile.


Considering this new career conundrum, he observes that while the traditional HR function has incorporated generalized career planning strategies and programs, HR has not substantively embraced the creating, monitoring and ongoing nurturing of customized latticed career plans to shape each and every employee. This structural shift will require a new approach and mind-set. In addition, sophisticated tools that have recently entered the mainstream are needed to help map, develop and track workers’ skills and career ‘circulation’, as well as provide personalized training and other educational courses to augment employees’ capabilities in identified areas.


Most important, says Levy, companies must recognize that a highly positive candidate experience during the initial engagement, recruitment, and hiring processes must transition to an equally positive employee experience once on the job. Consistency is critical, as well as ensuring that (appropriately set) expectations are met and sustained. HR, then becomes a proactive enabler - a continuous catalyst and support for enhanced employment engagement, and thus productivity too. 


In conversation about the new more fluid, or less defined, edges of companies, and the leveraging of freelance talent ‘pools’, Steve recalls certain companies’ legacy alumni networks. Former employees or un-hired top prospects were included in the ongoing extended community of the organization and revisited at appropriate times. Similar models are increasingly being adopted, also embracing new freelancer members, as firms use an accordion-type framework to access scarce skilled, but familiar and culturally-suited resources, or address seasonal or client-related needs.


Career planning, design and development needs focused attention. Your employees already know the issues. They are looking for you to acknowledge and address them.

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