Andrea Büttner. 2 - Museum Ludwig, Cologne | Gender and art |

Andrea Büttner.2

2 – the ti­tle is the agen­da. The largest room in the mu­se­um is di­vid­ed in­to two parts, one light and the other dark. In the dark space An­drea Bütt­n­er is show­ing her lat­est video in­s­tal­la­tion, Piano De­struc­tions* 2014. Fea­tured here is his­tor­i­cal foo­tage of per­for­mances in which artists — al­most exlu­sive­ly men — de­stroy pianos; as well as a per­for­mance of her own, in which nine fe­male pian­ists play pie­ces by Schu­mann and Chopin in cho­rus.


Septem­ber 5, 2014–March 15, 2015

Museum Ludwig, Köln, Germany