Swedish cinemas take aim at gender bias with Bechdel test rating | Gender and art | Scoop.it

"Movies need to pass test that gauges the active presence of women on screen in bid to promote gender equality.


You expect movie ratings to tell you whether a film contains nudity, sex, profanity or violence. Now cinemas  in  Sweden are introducing a new rating to highlight gender bias, or rather the absence of it.


To get an A rating, a movie must pass the so-called Bechdel test, which means it must have at least two named female characters who talk to each other about something other than a man.


"The entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, all Star Wars movies, The Social Network, Pulp Fiction and all but one of the Harry Potter movies fail this test," said Ellen Tejle, the director of Bio Rio, an art-house cinema in Stockholm's trendy Södermalm district."


The Bechdel Test Movie List :
