The Beginning Is Always Today. Contemporary Feminist Art in Scandinavia | Gender and art |

Roxy Farhat, Housekeeping 2009, video still


"The Exhibition is the first broad presentation of an actively feministic art scene in Scandinavia. Over 40 artists from Denmark, Sweden and Norway are represented through a selection of works ranging from sculptures, photos and installations to videos, live performances, books, archives, activism and teaching. [...]


With great seriousness and much humour, the exhibition challenges our assumptions about gender, roles, stereotypes, power, minorities, culture, history, and rights. With this exhibition, we aim to shed light on the development of feminism and feminist art in general, but also seek to portray the conditions, aspirations and rights of women in our own era.



The Beginning Is Always Today. Contemporary Feminist Art in Scandinavia

21 September 2013 - January 2014

SKMU - Sorlandets Kunstmuseum, Kristiansand, Norway