Enhancing CRISPR-Cas9 gRNA efficiency prediction by data integration and deep learning - Nature | Genetic Engineering Publications - GEG Tech top picks | Scoop.it
The design of CRISPR gRNAs requires accurate on-target efficiency predictions, which demand high-quality gRNA activity data and efficient modeling. To advance, we here report on the generation of on-target gRNA activity data for 10,592 SpCas9 gRNAs. Integrating these with complementary published data, we train a deep learning model, CRISPRon, on 23,902 gRNAs. Compared to existing tools, CRISPRon exhibits significantly higher prediction performances on four test datasets not overlapping with training data used for the development of these tools. Furthermore, we present an interactive gRNA design webserver based on the CRISPRon standalone software, both available via

. CRISPRon advances CRISPR applications by providing more accurate gRNA efficiency predictions than the existing tools. High-quality gRNA activity data is needed for accurate on-target efficiency predictions. Here the authors generate activity data for over 10,000 gRNA and build a deep learning model CRISPRon for improved performance predictions.