What Will Education Look Like in a More Open Future? | TRUST | Autonomy | Collaboration | gpmt | Scoop.it

David PriceIn my book, OPEN: How We’ll Work, Live And Learn In The Future, I argue that a relentless focus upon high-stakes accountability — through student testing and teacher evaluation — has done little to improve outcomes, and has de-professionalized and demoralized teachers.
On the other hand, the flourishing of social collaboration among educators offers hope for a profession under siege, because it’s through self-determining their own professional learning that teachers and administrators can both offset the worst effects of being told how to do their jobs and accelerate innovation.
After the failure of command-and-control, there is now a growing interest in self-managed work-groups, radical transparency and open learning systems as productivity and innovation drivers. What would that look like for educators?


“Open” as a way of working, and living our lives, is winning. It is time we applied it to education.


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Via Gust MEES