The Secret to Successful Supervision | gpmt |

Here are few ideas for creating staff members who don't need supervision: Make sure everyone knows the big picture. The "why" of a project, especially in education, is often overlooked. We in education have the greatest mission in the world: making kids successful. If that is at the root of all our efforts, we naturally do our best. But everyone has to see the link - although sometimes long and nearly invisible - to one's work and its impact on students. (See also The DJ Factor.) Jointly set clear goals, establish time lines and help prioritize work. Then get the hell out of the way. Establish what needs to be done and let others figure out the best way to do it and the parameters under which they are working. Provide resources for success. The supervisor should be the go-to person if your staff needs training, equipment or cooperation from other people. See more here:

Via Dennis Richards