Edu-pinning: Pinterest in Education | gpmt |

By Erin Paynter


"In the past few weeks, the uses of Pinterest in the field of education have come zooming to the forefront of the online edu-chatter (see this post by Eric Sheninger). After checking it out and watching for a while, I began pinning and following other pinners and/or their boards. I have seen teachers use it to display ideas regarding classroom organization and management, lesson plan ideas and assessment tools. Lately I’ve begun following fellow administrators as they share everything from inspirational leadership quotes, to videos, to web 2.0 tools for educators, social media and infographics.


"What I like most about Pinterest is that you can follow individual boards rather than everything a pinner posts. This is great because many pinners are combining professional resources with personal ones. In other words, I can follow a colleague’s board on leadership in education, but not the one they’ve created for remodeling their kitchen or their upcoming wedding.


"These are six pinners from the field of education and leadership that I think have boards worth following"

Via Jim Lerman, Patty Ball