What's Going On in This Picture? Learning about Visual Thinking Strategies | gpmt | Scoop.it

The NY Times is beginning a new feature called "What's Going on in this Picture?" This post introduces Visual Thinking Strategies (V.T.S.).

"How do you make sense of what you see when you look at an image, especially if that image comes with no caption, headline, links or other clues about its origins? What can constructing meaning from an image teach you?"

While V.T.S. uses works of visual art, the NT Times will be using photojournalism and hosting an online discussion. On Monday they will post an image "with no caption, no headline and no helpful link back to an article." The goal is to answer "What's going on in this picture?" based on what you "can gather from the image itself."
For more information click through to the article.

Via Beth Dichter