EmbedPlus - Enhance YouTube Videos for Learning | gpmt | Scoop.it

EmbedPlus is a significant  tool for educators, because it lets you easily edit, watch, and share videoclips from YouTube  with   enhance playback and annotations as listed below.


Tools include:

Chapter Marking

Chapter buttons, click these to skip to marked times. Use the wizard to mark notable parts like game highlights, changing performers, and lecture sections. 



Crop, Cut, Splice, Chop. Play the interesting part of a video you decide.


Instant Replay / Loop
Replay an event soon after it happens. Also double-click to loop the replay.


Sweet Spot Marking

Helps you catch the best parts of a video by revealing the scenes that are generating the most buzz by other viewers. You can also use it for your creative/marketing efforts or just for your curiosity. 


Slow Motion On-Demand
Instantly watch videos at a slower rate to more clearly see what happens. Use it for videos with sports highlights, demos, tricks, and raw footage.


Movable Zoom
Added accessibility. Dynamically magnifies an area of the video as it plays. Use it to get a close look at objects, writing, and things like moving athletes.


Real-time Reactions

Discussions about a video occur in many places. Optionally enable this button to show viewers the latest Internet reactions, right inside the player. 


Third Party Annotations

Add your own timed annotations to any video. Use it to display titles, captions, scene labels, and side comments during playback. 


EmbedPlus could be a game-changer  because  the tools offer affordances that can add learning opportunities in to almost any video clip. (See also the Dial-e framework  for further discussion)


The tools are straightforward to use, simply copy and paste the embed code on your (Wordpress), site, blog or post as directed.


More info: http://www.embedplus.com/ 

Post adapted from the original by @robingood - thanks!

Via Robin Good, Let's Learn IT, theo kuechel, Heiko Idensen