A Microsoft Teams tutorial on using Moodle with Teams - one of the new features in Microsoft Teams 2022 that has recently rolled out. Learn how to install Microsoft Teams in Moodle. With LTI integration, you can integrate Classes from Teams and Teams Meetings directly into a Moodle course. There are also new updates to the Moodle integration, including Channel meeting support, class activation, Class Teams notifications, and the ability to post a message directly from the Moodle Class team.

✅ IT Admin instructions for setting up Moodle and Teams https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/lti/teams-classes-meetings-with-moodle?view=o365-worldwide
✅ Microsoft LTI Gateway: https://lti.microsoft.com/
✅ Educator instructions for Microsoft Class Teams and Moodle: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/use-microsoft-teams-classes-in-your-lms-ac6a1e34-32f7-45e6-b83e-094185a1e78a#ID0EBD=Moodle
✅ Educator instructions for Microsoft Teams Meetings and Moodle https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/use-microsoft-teams-meetings-in-your-lms-11b6095d-f90b-42b9-ab77-4dcff2bb3b76#ID0EBD=MoodleLTI

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Via Gisele Brugger