The Best Of TED on 'Story' - TEDxEaling, Inspire, connect and educate | gpmt |

In the run up to TEDxEaling 2012, we will be sharing the very best TED talks on story, creativity and imagination. Updated three times a week.


I've curated earlier that this TED-X event devoted to storytelling was happening and wishing I could go. In marketing the event, the organizers have put together this list of the best of TED videos related to storytelling. 


Some I've curated here, some are new to me (oh goody! new stuff to explore!). What's missing are the videos by Brene Brown, Bobette Buster, Jane McGonigal, and Amy O'Leary that are part of the Just Story It collection. So add these to the list!


Enjoy exploring this list and if I find ones here that I like, I'll curate them too. And let me know which ones you like!


This review was written by Karen Dietz for her curated content on business storytelling at ;