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User-Centered Design For eLearning

User-Centered Design For eLearning | gpmt |
The user-centered design approach is one of the most used approaches for taking your users into consideration while developing any kind of product. In the eLearning design process, where users are the most significant stakeholders, applying this concept will enhance the experience of learners.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)!

Five books on AI in education and why you should read them

Five books on AI in education and why you should read them | gpmt |

"Discover five must-read books on AI and ChatGPT in education, recommended by educators. These books offer practical insights and strategies to enhance teaching with AI ..."

Via Leona Ungerer, juandoming
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News!

Designing AI-Enhanced Assignments for Deeper Learning

Designing AI-Enhanced Assignments for Deeper Learning | gpmt |
If used thoughtfully, generative AI can engage students at the higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, June 10, 11:16 AM

"While AI offers undeniable benefits in streamlining processes and providing data-driven insights, concerns remain about its impact on fostering deeper learning experiences. To bridge that gap, educators need to adapt practical strategies to design AI-enhanced assignments that engage students in higher-order thinking."

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News!

It takes a village to protect students' well-being in the digital age

It takes a village to protect students' well-being in the digital age | gpmt |
Protecting and educating our children and upholding students' well-being is not just a school problem--it’s a societal problem.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, June 10, 11:18 AM

"Students’ well-being is under even more pressure due to digital influences"

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educación a Distancia y TIC!

Donald Clark Plan B: 4 major success factors in real 'AI in learning' projects

Donald Clark Plan B: 4 major success factors in real 'AI in learning' projects | gpmt |
With AI we are in the most interesting decade in the history of our species. I can think of no better field in which to be thinking, writing...

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educación a Distancia y TIC!

RIED: Overcoming obstacles in the Audiovisual Production of MOOCs

RIED: Overcoming obstacles in the Audiovisual Production of MOOCs | gpmt |
Blog de la "RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia". La Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación Digital.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)!

Which institution is the world leader in digital and distance education? | Tony Bates

Which institution is the world leader in digital and distance education? | Tony Bates | gpmt |

"Home Events anniversaries Which institution is the world leader in digital and distance education? ..."

Via Leona Ungerer, juandoming
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educación a Distancia y TIC!

Online education and generative AI: Welcome to the age of virtual AI tutors

Online education and generative AI: Welcome to the age of virtual AI tutors | gpmt |

"Explore how generative AI is revolutionizing online education by enhancing personalization and interactivity in learning platforms like Khan Academy and Udacity ..."

Via Leona Ungerer, juandoming, LGA
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News!

The hidden risk of letting AI decide – losing the skills to choose for ourselves

The hidden risk of letting AI decide – losing the skills to choose for ourselves | gpmt |

AI has the potential to diminish the human experience in several ways. One particularly concerning threat is to the ability to make thoughtful decisions.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, June 7, 3:08 PM

"In a world where what and how people think is already under siege thanks to the algorithms of social media, we risk putting ourselves in an even more perilous position if we allow AI to reach a level of sophistication where it can make all kinds of decisions on our behalf."

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News!

How to develop a digital competency framework everyone can benefit from

How to develop a digital competency framework everyone can benefit from | gpmt |
It’s up to higher education institutions to teach students the digital skills they’ll need for the world of work. Steven Wong outlines the framework his team developed to educate students and staff

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, June 7, 3:13 PM

"As the digitalisation of industry grows, higher education institutions must equip their students with the skills to thrive in the workplace of tomorrow."

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from iPads, MakerEd and More in Education!

The AI power user has arrived - The Atlantic

The AI power user has arrived - The Atlantic | gpmt |

The advent of artificial intelligence has understandably raised questions about its potential impact on human labor. While these fears are valid and warrant serious consideration, a closer look reveals a more nuanced—and ultimately more hopeful—reality.

New data from Microsoft and LinkedIn’s Work Trend Index reveals a workplace that’s actively seeking out employees with the skills to leverage AI for business impact, and a workforce that’s turning to AI as an antidote to burnout and overwhelming workloads. Far from replacing human talent, AI is creating new opportunities for those who can master its use and apply it to real business challenges. These AI power users are reshaping the workday and reaping the benefits, providing a glimpse into the future of work.

Via Edumorfosis, John Evans
Edumorfosis's curator insight, June 6, 10:17 AM

Desde 2015, he mencionado que las grandes Compañías Tecnológicas, EduStarups y Organismos Educativos Emergentes, extrajeron la Educación Online, TEcnología Educativa y Diseño Instruccional de las universidades. Ahora están integradas en sus cursos cortos, diplomados, certificaciones y micro-cursos.


Pero eso no se queda ahí. Con la llegada de la IA y los sistemas automatizados, estamos viendo cómo las tecnologías avanzadas van por el trabajo de los curricularistas, diseñadores instruccionales, diseñadores gráficos, especialistas TIC, desarrolladores de contenido, tutores, instructores, evaluadores, orientadores y otras profesiones relacionadas.


La Educación Corporativa no solo va por las EdTech y sus modalidades de enseñanza. Ahora va por las personas...

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)!

Investigaciones utilizando técnicas de análisis de datos avanzadas (Bases de datos) en los procesos de Educación disruptiva-IA-AGI –

Investigaciones utilizando técnicas de análisis de datos avanzadas (Bases de datos) en los procesos de Educación disruptiva-IA-AGI – | gpmt |
Juan Domingo Farnós En el contexto de la Educación Disruptiva y la Inteligencia Artificial General (AGI), este análisis implica la recopilación y el procesamiento de grandes volúmenes de datos educativos para personalizar y mejorar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Utilizando técnicas de análisis de datos avanzadas, los investigadores pueden identificar patrones y tendencias que…

Via juandoming
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)!

Focus métier : la·le formateur·rice en e-learning

Focus métier : la·le formateur·rice en e-learning | gpmt |
Découvrez le rôle crucial des formateurs et formatrices en e-learning. Quels sont les défis pour rendre l'apprentissage en ligne efficace et engageant.

Via Doc-Ifsi-Narbonne, juandoming
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)!

Integración de la Inteligencia Artificial General (AGI) en las interfaces de la educación disruptiva & IA –

Integración de la Inteligencia Artificial General (AGI) en las interfaces de la educación disruptiva & IA – | gpmt |
Juan Domingo Farnós La integración de la Inteligencia Artificial General (AGI) en las interfaces de la educación disruptiva e IA representa un cambio paradigmático en la forma en que los estudiantes interactúan con el contenido educativo. La AGI, con su capacidad para entender y generar lenguaje natural, permite la creación de interfaces conversacionales que ofrecen…

Via juandoming
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Les outils du Web 2.0!

5 applications étonnantes de la fonction vision de ChatGPT dans l'éducation

5 applications étonnantes de la fonction vision de ChatGPT dans l'éducation | gpmt |
ChatGPT a évolué considérablement depuis son lancement en 2022, et avec l'intégration d’une toute nouvelle fonction vision dans le dernier modèle GPT-4o,

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News!

Innovative education: AI and AGI shaping tomorrow's universities

Innovative education: AI and AGI shaping tomorrow's universities | gpmt |
When universities harness AI, they make education a right for all instead of a privilege for few and shape the future of higher education.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, June 10, 11:17 AM

"AI has the promising ability of personalizing learning"

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educación a Distancia y TIC!

NUEVO Call for Papers: La Inteligencia Artificial generativa en los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje y otras tecnologías

NUEVO Call for Papers: La Inteligencia Artificial generativa en los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje y otras tecnologías | gpmt |
Blog de la "RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia". La Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación Digital.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educación a Distancia y TIC!

ChatGPT for Teachers: Best practices for better responses

ChatGPT for Teachers: Best practices for better responses | gpmt |

We combined information from OpenAI, passionate ChatGPT users, teachers, and our expertise into an easy-to-follow guide for teachers — with teaching-relevant prompt examples and anecdotes. We couldn’t find a more solid ChatGPT prompt guide made specifically for teachers, so made one ourselves. This guide applies to any ChatGPT alternative like Gemini, Claude, or Copilot.

Via Edumorfosis, LGA
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)!

IA | Experiência em novos patamares, o desenho da educação

IA | Experiência em novos patamares, o desenho da educação | gpmt |
A IA generativa representa um salto significativo na evolução da inteligência artificial. Ao contrário de modelos anteriores, esses sistemas não se limitam a replicar informações; eles criam, inovam e geram conteúdo original. O ChatGPT, um exemplo notável dessa categoria, é capaz de produzir textos coerentes e contextualmente relevantes, elevando a experiência educacional a novos patamares.

Via Inovação Educacional, juandoming
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educación a Distancia y TIC!

GPT-4o: Tutores superinteligentes que no se cansan, ¿y ahora qué?

GPT-4o: Tutores superinteligentes que no se cansan, ¿y ahora qué? | gpmt |

Estamos frente a una revolución tecnológica que abre las puertas a nuevas posibilidades, pero también a desafíos que aún no podemos prever completamente. Sin embargo, debemos estar preparados para comprender estos desafíos y tomar acciones que aseguren una implementación positiva de la IA en beneficio de nuestro mundo.

La pregunta que surge naturalmente ante este escenario es: ¿qué podemos esperar en la educación con el potencial que ofrece la Inteligencia Artificial? Principalmente, la posibilidad de contar con tutores personalizados disponibles las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Esta capacidad presenta una dicotomía que merece ser analizada detenidamente. 

Via Edumorfosis, LGA
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educación a Distancia y TIC!

LearnLM Tutor: The future of Education?

LearnLM Tutor: The future of Education? | gpmt |

In a groundbreaking move, Google recently announced its new product, LearnLM, a cutting-edge Tutor learning model set to revolutionize the educational landscape. As an AI expert focused on AI essay graders, I believe that Google’s LearnLM will significantly influence the future of education positively. This article will delve into what a LearnLM tutor is, and its potential impact on teaching and learning, and how it might reshape classrooms worldwide.

Via Edumorfosis, LGA
Edumorfosis's curator insight, June 6, 10:45 AM

Otro ejemplo real que evidencia nuestros planteamientos. La ENSEÑANZA ya no estará en manos de los Educadores, sino en las plataformas IA de las compañías tecnológicas. Pero el APRENDIZAJE siempre será de nosotros los Humanos. La sabiduría humana es irremplazable. Hacia esa dirección es que tenemos que movernos los educadores del siglo 21. 

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News!

The Latest Digital Divide: Systems Thinking vs. Misinformation and Malfeasance

The Latest Digital Divide: Systems Thinking vs. Misinformation and Malfeasance | gpmt |
The main thing to think about is the gap. What is standing between people and their ability to do what they want online?

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, June 7, 3:12 PM

"This more recent sense of the digital divide—a systems thinking divide, in which users’ lack of understanding of the interrelatedness of things is being weaponized against them"

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)!

Google NotebookLM  ( AI research and writing assistant) with Slides support and better ways to fact-check - now available in Canada

Google NotebookLM  ( AI research and writing assistant) with Slides support and better ways to fact-check - now available in Canada | gpmt |
NotebookLM, our AI-powered research and writing assistant, is getting new features and expanding to over 200 countries and territories.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)!

Machine Learning, AI, and the Future of Education (Marc Natanagara) 

Machine Learning, AI, and the Future of Education (Marc Natanagara)  | gpmt |

Artificial Intelligence the ability of machines to learn from experience over that time Ai and machine learning have disrupted just about every industry including my own education teachers students and parents are wondering what is learning when software can answer every question Winston Churchill said never let a good crisis go to waste teachers would call this a learning moment I see it as an ideal opportunity for us to reimagine the future of Education

Via Edumorfosis, juandoming
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)!

AI Literacy Lessons for Grades 6–12 from Common Sense Education 

Quick, grab-and-go lessons to teach your students how to be ethical and empowered users of artificial intelligence.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News!

The AI Tools for Teachers Are Getting More Robust. Here's How

The AI Tools for Teachers Are Getting More Robust. Here's How | gpmt |
The new tools increase urgency for PD on using generative AI.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, June 4, 9:47 AM

"Google and Khan Academy are expanding their AI tools for specific use by teachers"