Neander-1929 Neander P3 1 ~ Grease n Gasoline | Cars | Motorcycles | Gadgets | ;
Neander-1929 Neander P3 1 Grease n Gasoline  LIKE OUR PG ;

. The Neander was the creation of multi-talented Ernst Neumann, who was born in the Prussian city of Kassel – also birthplace of the Brothers Grimm – in 1871. A natural inventor, Neumann built prototype tricycles powered by steam and internal combustion engines before embarking on a career as a commercial artist in Munich and then Paris, where he designed his first motorcycle for the Griffon company. Returning to Germany, Neumann adopted the nomme de plume ‘Neander’, styling motor cars in Berlin before embarking on his career as a motorcycle manufacturer in the early 1920s. Innovatory pressed steel frames, cadmium plated, were a feature of Neander motorcycles (the design would later be licensed to Opel) which were powered by a variety of proprietary engines from the likes of Villiers, JAP, Küchen and MAG, ranging in capacity from 122 to 996cc.