Alice in Quantumland: A Charming Illustrated Allegory of Quantum Mechanics by a CERN Physicist | Herstory |

"Down the rabbit hole of antimatter, or how to believe six impossible things about gender stereotypes before breakfast.


As a lover of science and of all things Alice in Wonderland, imagine my delight at discovering Alice in Quantumland: An Allegory of Quantum Physics (public library) — an imaginative and unusual 1995 quantum primer by particle physicist Robert Gilmore, who has under his belt experience at Stanford and CERN.


Besides the clever concept, two things make the book especially remarkable: It flies in the face of gender stereotypes with a female protagonist who sets out to make sense of some of the most intense science of all time, and it features Gilmore’s own magnificent illustrations for a perfect intersection of art and science, true to recent research indicating that history’s most successful scientists also dabbled in the arts."

Via Ana Margarida Ramos, Caroline Claeys