We recently had the opportunity not only to read a recent release from Diana Oblinger, President and CEO of EDUCAUSE, but also to discuss her new book titled Game Changers. Game Changers, according to Oblinger, discusses the different models that people are developing to do education better. With mounting accountability and affordability pressures, and a wide variety of student needs, Oblinger was interested to learn the innovative ways people are trying to rethink how they shape the system. Game Changers is a higher view of these stories, as well as discussions of the patterns that have emerged as a result of these efforts. We thank Dr. Oblinger for taking the time to discuss Game Changers, and enjoyed learning more about the innovations taking shape in higher education. For more information about Game Changers, or to order your free copy, visit http://www.educause.edu/research-publications/books/game-changers-education-and-information-technologies.