Awakenings: Shot Heard 'Round the World | Human Interest |

"Today's History Lesson

War. The pages of history are filled with times of war. Biblical war. War of independence. Civil war. World war. Cold war. Unnecessary war. Regardless of time, place or reason, war is WAR! War is hell. So many lives lost. Young. Old. Age knows no boundaries when it comes to war. The visions of war are woven with bloody images and broken bone. Within battlefields reside ghosts of our ancestry none with any greater impact than the American Revolutionary War, aka the American War of Independence. The fight for Freedom!

1775 The Shot Heard 'Round The World: Battle Breaks Out At Lexington

Where once the embattled farmers stood, and fired the shot heard 'round the world, the War of Independence had now begun!"

Via Sharla Shults