What to Know About Claude 2, Anthropic's Rival to ChatGPT | information analyst | Scoop.it

Anthropic, an AI company, released its latest large language model-powered chatbot, Claude 2, last week, the latest development in a race to build bigger and better artificial intelligence models.

Claude 2 is an improvement on Anthropic’s previous AI model, Claude 1.3, particularly in terms of its ability to write code based on written instructions and the size of its “context window,” which means users can now input entire books and ask Claude 2 questions based on their content. These improvements suggest Claude 2 is now in the same league as GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, the models which power OpenAI’s ChatGPT. However, like OpenAI’s models, Claude 2 still exhibits stereotype bias and ‘hallucinates’ — in other words, it makes things up. And there remain larger questions about the race between AI companies to bring out more powerful AI models without addressing the risks they pose.



Via Gust MEES