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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from technologies!

Google Docs and Drive

Google Docs and Drive | information analyst |

Welcome to the Google Docs and Drive community, where we discuss new features of Google Drive, discuss about wanted features or concepts, and solve problems for individuals!

Via John Dalziel
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Business Brainpower with the Human Touch!

The Simplest Way To Know What Everyone's Doing At Work

The Simplest Way To Know What Everyone's Doing At Work | information analyst |

One of the biggest challenges of knowledge work is its lack of visibility. Getting a clear picture of what’s going on in a collection of minds, including your own, is much more difficult than seeing the visible progress of constructing a house or assembling a physical product. And when you can’t see what you’re building together as a company, it takes extra time, effort, and work to manage problems, progress, and processes.


So how do you make the invisible visible?

Via The Learning Factor
The Learning Factor's curator insight, November 21, 2013 6:45 PM

In the modern often remote workplace sharing work is essential to an efficient and collaborative team. Writing is the simple powerful tool that can.

Lisa Armstrong's curator insight, November 23, 2013 12:11 AM

It's a confronting notion. Of all the hours dedicated to team meetings,  review workshops, project review meetings .... across our organisations. And we still don't know what employees and teams are truly doing. A poor ROI indeed!

Social media enables employee and team connectivity beyond the confines of any meeting. Employees can post pix and videos of their lunch and others can like, comment or share their experiences. Challenge is how we have them connect and interact about deeper content than their lunch. Connect and interact with content about their job. That's the leadership knack!

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Tracking the Future!

How you and I could become nodes in the internet of things

How you and I could become nodes in the internet of things | information analyst |

A group of French researchers believe that the sensors and transmitters we wear will route and relay data, not just collect it. We won’t just be connected to the network. We’ll be the network.

Via Szabolcs Kósa
ksraju's curator insight, June 11, 2013 11:08 AM

IT is human sense and human touch really matters .

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from visual data!

Create Your Own Information-Based Visual Display with One of these 20+ Tools

Create Your Own Information-Based Visual Display with One of these 20+ Tools | information analyst |

While not everyone can make infographics from scratch, there are tools available on the Web that will help you create your very own infographics. In this article, we’re listing more than 20 such options to help you get your messages across to your readers, visually.

Via Let's Learn IT, Robin Good, Lauren Moss
Two Pens's curator insight, May 13, 2013 1:14 PM

Piktochart is easy to work with and creates a fair Infographic. I still prefer to hire an art director. It's worth the money to have an intelligent designer with you :-)

Eddie Thornton's curator insight, May 13, 2013 3:29 PM

Don't forget to add your perspecitve, your insight as to why this infographic add up to more than just numbers and figures on a chart.

Ness Crouch's curator insight, May 14, 2013 4:09 PM

Another great link to help create infographics. I'd like to get more time to create these for class...

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from visualizing social media!

Social Network Overload - Infographic

Social Network Overload - Infographic | information analyst |

How often have you checked your social media accounts today? Feeling unplugged is a problem for many people.  This infographic from illustrates how people are addicted to social media, and what they rather do than give up their Internet lifeline. 


Two out of three people are afraid they’re missing something important on email, Facebook, Twitter, or other accounts. In the same survey, three out of five people wished there was a solution to monitor their various communication options.

This infographic is based on the survey by Harris, and conveys a growing trend—social media overload...

Via Lauren Moss
Christine Harris-Smyth's curator insight, April 2, 2013 8:37 PM

The anxiety about missing out is not something new - it is like a child who doesn't want to go to bed when the others (adults, older children) are still having fun. It is simply in a new arena. This being connected all the time to digital media and communications devices is the new thing - not the anxiety.


We'll learn to live with it - nice infographic.


or die trying...

Cambridge Marketing College's curator insight, April 3, 2013 3:55 AM

The increasing need to be selective about which social media to use 


Rescooped by michel verstrepen from visual data!

The Evolution of Architectural Visualization

The Evolution of Architectural Visualization | information analyst |
Visualization has been married to Architecture since the beginning of time. (Let's say we start the courtship at 15000 BC in the Paleolithic Era.) And in any relationship, communication is the key to success.


At each step of the architectural process – planning, design, and construction – visualizations provide a look into the future at the envisioned physical structure (or place). Over centuries, architects’ mania for perfection has demanded more realistic reflections of their imaginations, and technology has progressed to make these dreams come true. Whether engraved, sketched, painted, mini-modeled, or rendered, the more detailed the visualization, the clearer the communication.

Via Lauren Moss
Mariana Soffer's comment, July 7, 2012 11:12 AM
very interesting
Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Bien communiquer!

« Etre présent sur les réseaux sociaux présente des risques juridiques » | JCP

« Etre présent sur les réseaux sociaux présente des risques juridiques » | JCP | information analyst |

Le web est devenu l'un des principaux vecteurs de communication des institutions publiques. Quels sont les types de contentieux qui apparaissent, en particulier pour les structures publiques ?


Via Isabelle Boucher-Doigneau - Cultureuse
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Scooped by michel verstrepen!

Le non-verbal à la base de 100% de notre communication ?

Le non-verbal à la base de 100% de notre communication ? | information analyst |

Le père de la synergologie (marque déposée) Philippe Turchet n'hésite pas dans une de ses interventions à déclarer que "le langage du corps peut être à la base de 100% de la communication".

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

Pervasive Connectivity & What We Can Do on the Web Will Shape Our Lives!

Pervasive Connectivity & What We Can Do on the Web Will Shape Our Lives! | information analyst |

Absolutely fascinating!




In 2008 the number of devices connected to the Internet surpassed the number of people connected, and in 2020 there will be 50 billion things connected, 7 times the world’s population, according to Dave Evans of Cisco.


The infographic below highlights some of the key features of the Internet of things, including the pace of growth, how external data can be aggregated so that your alarm clocks, cars, and coffee makers make decisions to fit with your schedule, and that some cameras and computers are now just a cubic millimeter.


An amazing statistic is that by end of 2011, 20 typical households will generate more Internet traffic than the entire Internet in 2008. That is slightly unbelievable, and I would like to know how they define ‘typical’ and what data is generated for Internet communication.


However it is important to recognize that the Internet of things is one of the most important ways to understand our connected future. Pervasive connectivity, and the amazing things we will be able to do with that, will shape our lives.

Via janlgordon
Tom George's comment, September 6, 2011 1:48 PM
Hey Jan,

I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend. Hope to see you share some content soon? That is on Internet Billboards! LOL Nice curation as usual. Thanks Tom
Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Time to Learn!

Etude « La communication interne dans l’accompagnement du changement »

Etude « La communication interne dans l’accompagnement du changement » | information analyst |

La table ronde organisée le 8 décembre 2014 à l'Université Catholique de Lille a mobilisé 160 participants autour du thème du changement. Cet événement venait conclure une année d'étude sur le sujet, dont les résultats sont condensés dans le livre blanc téléchargeable ici.

Kicoz's curator insight, January 13, 2015 4:55 AM

A tous les services de communication interne, voici une publication à ne pas manquer en ce début d'année ! Un livre-blanc indispensable pour mieux appréhender l'accompagnement du changement en entreprise à travers la fonction communication interne. Au programme : une étude menée auprès de 160 participants, des chiffres clés, des témoignages mais aussi des bonnes pratiques. 

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from technologies!

Kaizena · Give Great Feedback · Voice Comments for Google Drive

Kaizena · Give Great Feedback · Voice Comments for Google Drive | information analyst |
Kaizena is the best place to help students improve their work. Import from Google Drive, add voice comments and attach mini-lessons.

Via John Dalziel
Tom Callos's curator insight, October 28, 2013 1:25 PM

Trying this, for sure.


Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Information Science and LIS!

Communicating Knowledge Management (KM) to Busy Lawyers | LawyerKM

Communicating Knowledge Management (KM) to Busy Lawyers | LawyerKM | information analyst |
I am constantly reminded of the importance of communicating effectively.  And I am repeatedly convinced that a simple message delivered in a simple way is most ("Communicating Knowledge Management (KM) to Busy Lawyers" by @LawyerKM


Connections  Are the Key…

My favorite (and primary) way to communicate KM to lawyers — and the representation in the KM card, above — is to speak in terms of connections.  It’s about “connecting people with people, connecting people with knowledge and information, and the processes, procedures, and technologies required to make those connections.”  I like this approach because it is broad, yet meaningful.  It allows me to talk about various aspects of KM from culture to technology, without eyes glazing over.

I carry the KM cards with me at work (and elsewhere).  When I need to explain KM to someone, I talk about connections.  After my elevator speech, I hand them a card as a take-away mnemonic.   “Here’s an easy way to remember what we do,” I say,  “the KM department’s email address is on the back.”

The more “complex” definitions of KM are fine when talking to people in KM circles and getting into the depths of knowledge management, but when talking to busy lawyers, spouting some convoluted, jargon-bloated, “nonsense” is the surest way to lose their attention.  Lawyers are no strangers to jargon.  They know it — and will reject it (and you) — the second they hear it.

Via Karen du Toit, Joao Brogueira
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Scooped by michel verstrepen!

Google a traduit sa "Webmaster Academy" en français

Google a traduit sa "Webmaster Academy" en français | information analyst |
Google vient de mettre en ligne un guide en français, réunissant de nombreux conseils notamment destinés à aider les webmasters et SEO débutants.
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from visual data!

Lessons from Visualized: Cutting Through Hyperbole With Data Visualization

Lessons from Visualized: Cutting Through Hyperbole With Data Visualization | information analyst |

At the Visualized conference on November 9th, Neil Halloran posed an interesting question: Can DataViz lead to a data savvy society in the same way that the printing press lead to a literate one? One that is prepared to make tough decisions on complex issues?

Neil Halloran thinks so. That’s why he created to cut through hyperbole surrounding the what may be the most frequently misunderstood and pressing issue facing Americans today, our massive $16 trillion dollar deficit.

But how is a modern citizen supposed to make an informed decision on issues of tremendous scope and complexity, such as the fiscal cliff or the growing budget deficit without falling back on sound bites and punditry? Neil Halloran’s solution is to tell a story. Rather than simply presenting a static infographic or a set of tabular data on federal receipts and expenditures, takes you on a interactive tour...

Via Lauren Moss
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from technologies!


swabr | information analyst |

Swabr allows practioners to create their own private microblogging system that only people they authorize can join.


Swabr is like Twitter except it is closed off to everyone except those people you really want to interact with.


Some learning providers are using Swabr as a bulletin board; it could also be used by practitioners and/or learners to create discussion groups and study groups.

Via John Dalziel
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Bien communiquer!

Les 10 textes essentiels de l’histoire de la communication et de l’information

Les 10 textes essentiels de l’histoire de la communication et de l’information | information analyst |

Réfléchir à notre monde de communication, ce n’est pas picorer en permanence sur la Toile, écouter les analyses d’experts en communication ( qui se trompent souvent ), ou suivre les liens qu’on vous transmet ( par tweeter, facebook, ..).C’est ce qui en fait sa richesse. Son intemporalité. En permanence, il y a matière à réfléchir, à confronter ses convictions, ses idées.

Dans un monde aussi imprégné que l’information, sous toutes ses formes, c’est un métier passionnant que de s’intéresser à ce domaine.

Via France Lefebvre du Prey, Isabelle Boucher-Doigneau - Cultureuse
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Scooped by michel verstrepen!

Nouvelles technologies, communication entre cultures, éducation et ...

Nouvelles technologies, communication entre cultures, éducation et ... | information analyst |

Dès l’expansion de l’utilisation des ordinateurs personnels dans les foyers et les écoles, les discussions sur l’intervention des technologies de la communication dans l’éducation explorent des avantages et des limites. D’un côté, il y a le débat sur la « bonne » utilisation des TICs à l’école, ou dans l’éducation, surtout en ce qui concerne les ordinateurs et les logiciels éducatifs. De l’autre, l’accès à l’information à travers internet et les possibilités d’apprentissage avec les réseaux sociaux du Web 2.0 fait aussi des points de discussion. En tant qu’apprentie de la recherche en éducation, je me demande aussi qu’est-ce qu’on apprend sur le monde et sur nous à travers nos entourages, nos écoles formelles, nos média ? Est-ce que le 2.0 pourrait-il être une nouvelle fenêtre pour la compréhension des autres ?

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