#Thoora #curation tool new way for you to discover, monitor, and share the best of the web #edtech20 | information analyst | Scoop.it

This topic is curated by Lucian http://bit.ly/Lucian20 founder of #edtech20 #socialmedia #curation project http://tiny.cc/edtech20 and if you like this post share and comment and also kindly I invite you to join free this project here http://tiny.cc/docedtech20 and follow https://twitter.com/#!/web20education . What are your favorite tools to build a pln . Please add here a comment and collaborate and circle #edtech20 project on #googleplus https://plus.google.com/b/117125932309589630500/117125932309589630500/posts/ak4vedAPCnj discuss with other 511 teachers about best social networking tools https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=266178246753349&id=103495893021586 join our PLN http://web20ineducation2010.ning.com/ . Also I write when I don't tweet and curate in gr8 blogs here http://weblist.me/curation. I invite you to subscribe free to #socialmedia #curation blog
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Curate and publish beautiful, authoritative, topical pages on the subjects you care most about.

These days, finding the best content on the web is as important as creating it. At Thoora, we’ve built a service with that in mind. We’ve got a new way for you to discover, monitor, and share the best of the web: by creating living bodies of knowledge on the topics you choose.
We believe that the discovery of great content cannot be accomplished by algorithms alone, but nor can any human make sense of the entire web. Thoora’s secret sauce lies in our unique combination of human and machine. While our patented semantic aggregation engine delivers quality content, we then put you in the driver’s seat, giving you the tools to refine, re-order and prioritize. The result? Human-perfected, living bodies of knowledge that are always fresh and relevant.
Based in Toronto, Canada, Thoora was founded by University of Toronto PhD Chul Lee, a data mining and search expert, along with Kyu Lee and Byron Ma. Over the past three years, the team at Thoora has built and refined a patented engine to help discover, rate and deliver the highest quality, most trusted, and relevant content on any given topic. Thoora explores the entire blogosphere, Twittosphere, other social media apps, and thousands of traditional media sources; and then uses over 100 signals to filter, rank, and deliver that content to you for your refinement. Thoora then uses the actions behind your refinement to further optimize the results.
With Thoora, let us distill the vast land of content out there for you; boil it down to only what you need. Then you can make the best of the rest of it. Happily.

Via LucianeCurator