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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

Here's A Content Marketing Plan That Delivers Results! [Infographic included]

Here's A Content Marketing Plan That Delivers Results! [Infographic included] | information analyst |

I selected this piece was written by Chris Sietsema for convinceandconvert blog because the post plus the infographic lays out a very clear and concise plan to create your content marketing strategy.


**Whether you're creating or curating content, this is something I think is very useful. This is why I rescooped this from my content marketing, social media and beyond  topic.


Here are a few highlights from the article:


He compares selecting and producing content to what he calls "bricks" and "feathers".


Bricks are referred to as research reports


**are larger content productions such as research reports, events, white papers        .

    video series, mobile apps, etc


**have the potential to make a larger splash when executed and promoted correctly.


Feathers are comprised of simple text and photo content published via popular social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, etc.


**Less intensive than bricks from a production budget standpoint, feathers are created consistently to maintain an ongoing stream of communication between a brand and its audience.

The infographic shows you how to discern what content to use and illustrates the how, what, why and when to use it.


Curated by Jan Gordon covering, "Content Marketing, Social Media and Beyond"


Read article and see infographic here: []

Via janlgordon
Beth Kanter's comment, February 26, 2012 12:26 PM
I like this analogy/metaphor. It is easy and quick to make feathers from your bricks, but the bricks take time. Can a curated collection of feathers be made into a brick? :-)
janlgordon's comment, February 26, 2012 1:10 PM
Beth Kanter
I'm glad you liked the article! I love your question, I do think a curated collection of feathers around a particular theme can be turned into a brick. What comes to mind, if you're distilling the comments from the posts (feathers) it's possible that this could evolve into a (brick) research reports, white papers, the possibilities are endless:-)
Beth Kanter's comment, February 26, 2012 1:23 PM
What comes to mind is that a smashed brick is a lot of feathers .. and that you can lead them back to the brick ... for example, I work with some advocacy folks who have these huge bricks called policy papers. They could tweet key points w/links back to the papers on Twitter. Have them cued up for a month in advance .. as you say the techniques are endless .. What I found most helpful was the objectives and metrics ..
Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

Content Curation Strategies to Boost your Online Business

Content Curation Strategies to Boost your Online Business | information analyst |

This  very informative article was written by Shobha-Atre for Fulltraffic blog


"Content curation can and WILL  play a vital role in advertising your business and providing greater exposure to your products in the market."


Here's what caught my attention - a few takeaways:


Content curation helps in defining a niche target audience and providing content relevant to their needs.


It is a smart and an inexpensive marketing tool that can help in achieving amazing results for your online business.


In addition, it can assist in refining your content and sharing valuable information to provide greater online visibility to your company.


Brand building can be a huge exercise and also challenging for many companies at the same time.


However, with the use of content curation tools, it has become a lot easier to achieve successful branding results.


It saves valuable time and effort of the online users in searching for enormous amount of information on the web.


Content curation is the best method of providing purposeful information that may be extremely useful to the readers in addressing different issues.


Rather than looking at a variety of sources, they can get all the valuable information under one roof that can be immense value for companies.


Besides, it helps them to discover and find all the latest information about your products and services and encourages them to make a final purchase easily.


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Media and Beyond"


Read full article here: []

Via janlgordon
Robin Good's comment, December 25, 2011 3:02 AM
Please note that the author of this original post, Shobha Atre, uses images stolen from other web sites, (the one appearing here is an image I have bought and personalized myself with those titles) without providing any credit or attribution. How can this person be a reliable curator if sHe behaves in this way?
janlgordon's comment, December 25, 2011 1:55 PM
Hi robin,
Thank you for pointing this out, I had no idea she used a stolen image in this piece. Will leave this up so you see my response. Taking it down tomorrow, not tweeting it. I don't support anyone who does this.
Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Enterprise Social Media!

When Everyone is Tweeting, Who is Paying Attention?

When Everyone is Tweeting, Who is Paying Attention? | information analyst |

Food for thought from Toddi Gutner for Business2Community:


I found this piece particularly interesting and wanted to call your attention to it. It's one of those things we all experience everyday, but do we really stop to ask ourselves this question:


****Are You Mobilizing Communities or Just a Voice in the Crowd?


I've personally covered events online, tweeting the main points live and although I was able to filter and capture the essence of what was going on, I had to go back and really absorb the information and then try to apply it to my business effectively. (not always an easy task) :-)


It's a juggling act but one I think we're all experiencing on one level or another.




Continuous Partial Attention (CPA) is the process of paying simultaneous but superficial attention to a number of sources of incoming information.


This term, coined by writer and consultant Linda Stone in 1998, aptly describes the scene at the recent Council of Public Relations Firms Critical Issues Forum on Social Revolution:


This is what particularly caught my attention:


**What was the unintended consequence (UC) - these being outcomes that are not intended by a purposeful action?


**They can be positive, negative or have a perverse effect contrary to what was originally intended.



****So are there any unintended consequences to compulsively tweeting from an event or otherwise?


This is a question I have yet to answer. It is sort of like waiting to see what the side effects of a drug will be years after it has been approved.


One UC of CPA may be that peoples’ attention spans (already truncated by USA Today and sound bite television) and


**related ability for analytic thought will be reduced to nanoseconds.


I'd love to hear your Thoughts?


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Media and Beyond"


Read the full article: []

Via janlgordon, Mike Ellsworth
Beth Kanter's comment, November 28, 2011 3:20 PM
I just rescooped this article because I found it in another source, but here I look further into your collection and find it. I'm curating on the topic information overload and coping skills. I believe that curation can help you pay attention. I experienced this myself .. I was a conference. Many people were tweeting. I was tracking it with storify - doing content curation in real time with twitter versus tweeting helped me pay attention, quickly put together a coherrent record of what happened and make it unstandable to people not in the room.
janlgordon's comment, November 28, 2011 3:59 PM
I have covered a few conferences in real-time and it definitely makes you pay attention on more than one level. Being able to put it in a cohesive manner helping people understand what's happening is an art in itself and something you do very well.
Carla Chapman's curator insight, October 1, 2014 4:49 PM

Are there unintended consequences for compulsively tweeting?  Read on....

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

Nielson Report: What's Really Happening on Social Networks

Nielson Report: What's Really Happening on Social Networks | information analyst |

Interesting and very informative piece by Brian Solis for Social Media Today.


This is part 6 of a series of posts where Brian introduces his new Book The End of Business as Usual.  


I must tell you that if you haven't gotten a copy of this book, you should, it is excellent, timely and relevant!


To paraphrase - social media is becoming part of our cultural fabric and even as we witness businesses, governments, sports teams, and almost every organization socialize communication efforts today,


****much of what we see is merely the beginning of something that will one day become something far more important than the medium itself.


****it is about how people are spending their time, interacting and connecting with one another, and what happens as a result.


To demonstrate the point, there are some profound findings from the recently released Nielsen Social Media Report.


Curated by JanLGordon covering  "Content Curation, Social Media & Beyond"


Via janlgordon
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

Pinterest: What Early Adopters Need to Know

Pinterest: What Early Adopters Need to Know | information analyst |

This piece was written by Jeff Turner, it makes you STOP and think. Pinterest is the latest new shiny thing but as Jeff says, buyer beware. His insights are right on the money.


He asks us to know the enviornment before we start posting and promoting. Here's an excerpt:


The Pinterest Stream And Fools Gold


Avoid Self Promotion:


"Pinterest is designed to curate and share things you love. If there is a photo or project you’re proud of, pin away! However, try not to use Pinterest purely as a tool for self-promotion".


Here are the takeaways:


My advice here is going to be the same advice I give people in any new social network... go have some fun first.


**Be social. Get to know the community, the lay of the land. The rest will sort itself out.


**The first thing that happens when the real estate community for example, "discovers" a new social media site is they focus on the media, not the social. This is a mistake. It leads to mining in the wrong streams.


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Pinterest Watch"


Read full article here: []

Via janlgordon
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Content Curation World!

The Demise of Quality Content on the Web - The Rise of Great Content Curators

The Demise of Quality Content on the Web - The Rise of Great Content Curators | information analyst |

This a great blog post from Rian van der Merwe , describing the noise you can find on the web now, and especially content just created for SEO purposes or advertisers. As many, Rian is tired of it.


Rian speaks for many of us who are overwhelmed, overloaded with content that gives us no value at all. This is the problem


"I used to believe that if you write with passion and clarity about a topic you know well (or want to know more about), you will find and build an audience. I believed that maybe, if you’re smart about it, you could find a way for some part of that audience to pay you money to sustain whatever obsession drove you to self-publishing"'


Here's what caught my attention:


****The wells of attention are being drilled to depletion by linkbait headlines, ad-infested pages, “jumps” and random pagination, and content that is engineered to be “consumed” in 1 minute or less of quick scanning – just enough time to capture those almighty eyeballs[2]. And the reality is that “Alternative Attention sources” simply don’t exist.


The Scoopit team agrees!


My input:


****The Opportunity: This is the time for all good curators to come forward - 2012 will be the year of the content curator -


**Know your audience

**Know their pain points

**Find and select the best content, add your own opinions, information or anything that will provide more value for your audience

**Select only the best content, don't just aggregate links that add to the noise

**Become a trusted resource - many opportunities will come to you, it's your time to shine


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Media and Beyond"


Read full article here: []


Via axelletess, janlgordon, Robin Good
Dr. Karen Dietz's comment December 4, 2011 12:23 PM
Great post and comments Jan! Looking forward to 2012.
janlgordon's comment, December 4, 2011 2:59 PM
@Karen Dietz

Thanks Karen! 2012 is going to be an amazing year for all of us!!
Gust MEES's curator insight, February 14, 2013 7:39 AM

Quality Matters!

A MUST read!!!

Check also:


Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

How Content Curators Are Connecting Online "Communities of Interest" | The Guardian

How Content Curators Are Connecting Online "Communities of Interest" | The Guardian | information analyst |

From the article intro: The success of social networks and the move to socialise many others aspects of the web – from content and search to deals and commerce – has captured the imagination of analysts, content creators and brands. Those best positioned to monetise these changes, however, are developing strategies that extend beyond social networks built on who-knows-who to those built on shared interests: so-called "communities of interest".


"It's no longer just social media that's social any more – all media is becoming social thanks to the maturation of creative tools and digital distribution," says Troy Young, president of SAY Media.


Technology has democratised publishing. This, in turn, has resulted in a new breed of media businesses that see themselves more as curators of content rather than owners.


New technology is creating new opportunities to socially interact and is also enabling end users to become their own content curator...

[read full article]

Via Giuseppe Mauriello, Robin Good, janlgordon
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Curation, Social Business and Beyond!

Content Curators Will Change The Way We Consume Information On The Web

 This is a great article on curation from Finger Tips Music. There is much confusion out there, some people say content curation is just a buzz word, it is so much more and what I've highlighted below is just the tip of the iceberg.


Curated by JanLGordon covering  Content Curation, Social Media & Beyond


Here's what caught my attention:


Curating is not just filtering


****Curators must keep selections to a rigorous minimum.


**One long-running model is the site Very Short List, which selects but one thing a day to inform you about.


****The difference between filtering and curating is, however, more than quantitative.


******A curator aims to present web content in a manner that removes it from the medium’s inherent endlessness as well as its relentless robotic-ness.


****** This can be done only with the care and attention of an individual intelligence.


*******A curator, alive to context and nuance, has a voice, a sensibility, a vibe; there is something inherently idiosyncratic about curating.

Via janlgordon
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