Branding Is About Creating Patterns, Not Repeating Messages | information analyst |

In the latest Method 10x10 piece, principal Marc Shillum argues that branding lies in creating patterns that add up to a whole, rather than a single, monolithic message.

Brands today exist in multiple mediums, defined by multiple voices. The media brands inhabit is iterative, with no beginning, no end, and little permanency. In that context, adherence to a big idea and endless repetition of centralized, fixed rules can make a brand seem unresponsive and out of step with its audience. But without repetition, how does a brand create consistency? And without consistency, how does a brand maintain value?


Brands as Patterns

We all know that brands are increasingly accessed digitally, but a less considered consequence is that the interface through which a brand is accessed has become a primary identity element...

Via Martin Gysler