Collect Any Type of Web Content Into Visual Collections with the New Bundlr | information analyst |

From "The content curation website Bundlr has just announced a new version of its service which allows for embedding of content from a wide range of sources.

By partnering with Embedly the site now supports over 200 sources of content, including Storify, Pinterest and Amazon, for users to add to their bundles.


Embedly is the service that the new version of Twitter uses to embed photographs and articles in your Twitter stream and is used by a host of other sites such as Reddit and Bitly and comes as a WordPress plugin.

While Bundlr was originally seen as an alternative to sites like Storify, which can be used to create stories from curated links and content, Bundlr's focus is now on creating a top-level resource for curated content around a story or topic."




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Via Robin Good, Martin (Marty) Smith