How do you know science is happening in Canada if you don't hear about it? | The McGill Daily » Out of sight, out of existence | information analyst |

I worked on a writing assignment regarding the cost of accessing publicly funded research articles when I was at the Banff Science Communications Program. One of the instructors told me that this issue had been covered quite extensively, so I did some research - and yes indeed, the issue was well-discussed in US and UK (mostly through the science sections of the New York Times and the Guardians), but there were very few mentions of it in Canada. This article reminds me how disappointed I was (and continue to be). Is there anything we can do to change the situation?


"The Globe and Mail doesn’t have a science section. Neither does the National Post. Add to this the fact that there are no dedicated Canadian science magazines for the general public, and it starts to become obvious why Canadians rarely hear about groundbreaking science research done across the country."

Via Theresa Liao