A Librarian's Reflection on Writing for Academic Publication | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path | Scoop.it
Twenty-five years ago, I was an early-career librarian grappling with writing about my experiences as a VSO Lecturer/Librarian in Sierra Leone. I knew it was important, both personally and professionally, to create a record of library education in that specific time and place, before so much was destroyed by civil war. Returning to DCU from my two-year career break, I was encouraged to write about the experience by the Library Director Alan MacDougall and his wife Jennifer; she had grown up in Ghana and had a personal interest in libraries in West Africa. At that time few Irish librarians were publishing; those that were tended to be at senior levels. There was no expectation to publish and my writing - as I imagine was and is the case for most librarians who are writing - was carried out outside of work.