The session reports on two studies based around Jisc’s investigation into the Next Generation of Digital Learning Environments. The first study asked questions about the technology in use, and emergent technologies that impact on learning and teaching. This involved framing the question as a “what if” and a “what would” around next generation digital learning technologies. This methodology relied on passive recruitment, with participants contributing a range of submissions from as short as a tweet to extensive papers.

The second report is based on data elicited from interviews with teaching staff about their practice. The methodology was to recruit teaching staff and use the same set of questions to interview each. Example questions include Tell me about the teaching you do. Where do you teach? How do you learn about teaching? Who do you talk to/communicate with about teaching? What is the balance of teaching with the rest of the work you do? What do you wish you could do around teaching? What are you not getting to do that you would like to be able to do?