Session 34 – How can pupils give each other quality feedback and enhance their learning? | | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

Session Title:

How can pupils give each other quality feedback and enhance their learning?

Session Summary:

Once again, hosting #ukedchat was an evening of mind-frying! In the nicest possible way, of course, but so many different ideas were floating about from what seemed to be a simple question! We started off talking about pupil feedback that is given via face to face, real life, real time methods – 2 stars and a wish, Tickled Pink, Green for Growth, “Even Better If….”, Elmos, OSC (one small change),  traffic light cards + pairing up red/green pupils! The use of post-it notes is still going strong – whether by teachers or students/pupils…. Opportunities to check each others’ work for  neatness, spelling, etc are seen as important… and links between 360 feedback in the business world were mentioned. Plan, develop, reflect/revisit, revise, rework/learning caterpillars/heart of the matter are other phrases used