Confessions of a distance learning... | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |
I do like the idea of a linear course, of being guided between key elements in a predictable path, of getting assurance that I’m progressing well and understanding the essential concepts. I do like the idea of this, but I fully fail to engage with the programme!

Design a beautiful VLE, full of useful functionality and interactive elements, make the module structure easy to follow and offer ample opportunities to collaborate with the instructor and my peers. Or don’t. Throw together some hellhole of a website with links that go nowhere, looking like it had a design by-pass in the late 90s. Either way, I’m going to do three things. I’ll go straight to the assignments section to see what you’re going to mark me on, then I’ll find a way to gather all the reading materials and print them (I know, how Twentieth Century!), finally I’ll head to the calendar to schedule webinars, meetups and find out what reading we’ll be discussing and when.