Rizomas, MOOCS y evaluación…serán el futuro de aprendizajes personalizados y personales? por @juandoming | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education | Scoop.it

Ensayo de Juan Domingo Farnós

sobre Rizomas, MOOCs y evaluación de la docencia.


Curioso concepto de HEUTATOGY (aprender a aprender)


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In education, heutagogy, a concept coined by Stewart Hase of Southern Cross University and Chris Kenyon in Australia, is the study of self-determined learning. The notion is an expansion and reinterpretation of andragogy, and it is possible to mistake it for the same. However, there are several differences between the two that mark one from the other.[1]


Heutagogy places specific emphasis on learning how to learn, double loop learning, universal learning opportunities, a non-linear process, and true learner self-direction. So, for example, whereas andragogy focuses on the best ways for people to learn, heutagogy also requires that educational initiatives include the improvement of people's actual learning skills themselves, learning how to learn as well as just learning a given subject itself. Similarly, whereas andragogy focuses on structured education, in heutagogy all learning contexts, both formal and informal, are considered.[1]