Sources and Tags: Dennis O'Connor's Curating Secrets | Create, Innovate & Evaluate in Higher Education |

There's no question that Dennis O'Connor has found much success on It wasn't all coincidental, though. Dennis shared with us two of his best curation secrets and tricks:


1. Develop multiple sources for your topics
It's important to carefully think through the keywords that you set for your topic so that can crawl the web and provide you with interesting and relevant content and inspiration. In addition to taking full advantage of this, Dennis also uses other tools like Twitter, StumbleUpon, and Prismatic to find content to share on Once he finds the content he wants to share with his audience, he uses as his social media hub to add value to that content and share it everywhere.


2. Tag your posts
Dennis takes a lot of time to tag each of his posts. This allows him, he explained, to assemble publications based upon his tagged topics. When he's using his information on for his E-learning classes, it's easy for him to filter his pages based upon different subjects and easily compile a list of posts and articles on appropriate topics to provide to his students. Something interesting that Dennis does with his tagged articles is to pull them by subject and create "special editions" of his topics on his blog for special classes and events that he is teaching.