How Target Built A Brand Story That Benefits Employees, Customers, And Community | Forbes | Internal Communications Tools |

"Many large corporations find themselves in a difficult bind. They are fully aware that their customers want them to be more socially responsible. At the same time, there is persistent distrust of marketers who share the story of their good work.

The onus then falls on the brand to authentically invest in social impact work that reflects its core values and tell those stories honestly. A great example of this balance is the work of Target."

Read the full article to view Target's It Comes From the Heart video and find out more about these three things that Target does well when it comes to telling the story of their employee contributions:

  1. Let your employees share their voice
  2. Invest for the long term
  3. Humanize your brand
  • Unlocking the human being in employees 
  • Reminding employees why they work there
  • Connecting the company with its community