How Leaders Can Create Informed Employees | Linked 2 Leadership | Internal Communications Tools |

"Your employees are your lifeblood, and as a leader, one of your most important tasks is making sure they stay happy and productive. There are thousands of techniques you can use to boost employee satisfaction and output, but one of the more overlooked options is creating informed employees.

Knowledge is power.  When employees don’t know what’s going on, they feel much less connected to their companies. It becomes harder for them to do their jobs, they don’t feel any real urgency to create high-quality work, and their productivity declines. Because they aren’t engaged, they’re less willing to collaborate with peers and go the extra mile. They become bored, start going through the motions, and check out.

Informing employees takes more than sending cheesy, cheerful company newsletters and maintaining an office bulletin board. It requires transparency, creativity, and technology."

Read the full article to find out more about these four guidelines to ensure you’re informing your employees the right way:

  1. Honesty is the best policy
  2. Consistency is key
  3. Make it fun and easy
  4. Open your ears