podcast, blog & video: how to do frontline social media: Morgan Bowers | comms2point0 | Internal Communications Tools | Scoop.it

"Often we'll go out from comms2point0 and we'll train people. Often we talk about Morgan Bowers who is brilliant at using social media to communicate about what she does. She's a countryside ranger and she does the job superbly.

With social media dedicated frontline people can brilliantly provide a human face to champion the work an organisation is doing.

Morgan Bowers, Walsall Council’s senior countryside ranger, is a pioneer of this approach and has worked to innovate around how people outside the comms team in the public sector can do to really connect with people.

Seeing what she does blows away any institutional objections that comms people may have to opening up the gate to allow people outside comms to use social media. She connects using Twitter, Facebook, Scribd and a range of platforms not because they are there but because they serve a useful purpose."

Read the full article to find out more about how Morgan uses the following platforms and the results she gets:

  • Twitter
  • Email
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • Eventbrite
  • Scribd
  • Audioboo