60" Virtual Screen Digital Video Eyewear Glasses for iPhone/iPad/iPod - Worldwide Free Shipping - DX | iPad User Group | Scoop.it
Only US$77.20, buy 60" Virtual Screen Digital Video Eyewear Glasses for iPhone/iPad/iPod from DealExtreme with free shipping now.


Sit down and take a deep breath! Turn on your iPhone, plug in the cable and then put on these cool glasses! You are about to enter an unimaginable dream world. These glasses are so cool they can provide a similar feeling to watching a 60” screen anywhere you are. The iWear glasses will deliver that live action feeling of actually being on scene, watching the action happen; right before your eyes. As your watching you will quickly forget that you’re not in danger; finding yourself trying to move out of the way of deadly explosions and crazy car chases. With such an intense feeling you will quickly become addicted to the nerve racking excitement provided and will never put them down; until you run out of media to watch.