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The Benefits of Bringing in a Specialist Recruiter

The Benefits of Bringing in a Specialist Recruiter | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Acquiring the right talent or obtaining the correct career move can be a little arduous and daunting method for anyone. Moreover, when you work in a high-profile industry or sector and are looking for a unique set of specialist skills, the process becomes even more difficult. 

Hiring new workers can be a time-consuming and costly process for companies, making significant resources but rarely provides any guarantees. 

Moreover, employers understand completely the importance of top talent, who can accelerate their company forward and increase profits. On the other hand, the Human Resource department faces a challenging task in ensuring a steady flow of talent into the business while also hiring individuals who are suitable for the job and culture of the organization. 

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How Covid-19 Changed the Way We Look at Hiring

How Covid-19 Changed the Way We Look at Hiring | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

The only way to win in a post-Covid-19 world is to relentlessly focus on creating the best team possible. This has always been important during periods of economic contraction and business uncertainty. The difference now is that the rewards and the risks have never been greater. Covid-19’s disruptions, a shortage of in-demand talent and millennial-led trends will force a permanent rethinking of how companies are structured. The organizations that can do more with less — by attracting better talent and better engaging them — will likely see massive productivity improvements when compared to the average company, where 60 percent of the company is not engaged or actively disengaged.

The most adaptive organizations are thinking about talent in the same way they think about their ideal customer. Companies spend significant time and money working to understand the customers they want to attract and finding ways to reach them. The best possible hire you can make today does not need your job, and they will not seek your company out to sell themselves. They expect to be sought out and sold.

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The Do’s And Don’ts Of Running A Hybrid Workforce In A Post-Pandemic World

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Running A Hybrid Workforce In A Post-Pandemic World | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

There’s no doubt that the once futuristic hybrid work model is already here. Earlier this year, a Gartner analyst was quoted saying that about 60% of the workforce are choosing the hybrid option. Even as the world begins to open up, I suspect that we will never quite return to the way things were before this pandemic started.

During 2020, many business leaders including myself faced the challenge of moving hundred- or even thousand-person teams in one direction—rallying them to use the same digital collaboration tools and adopt the same process for working with remote, distributed teams. At Whatfix, we had the benefit of already running a global distributed workforce. However, suddenly shifting everyone to remote work and now formulating strategies to create a hybrid workforce brought about its own set of challenges and learnings. Throughout this journey, I’ve learned three do’s and don’ts that helped me guide my team, which I believe can serve as a blueprint for other business leaders as well.

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13 Signs You’re Applying For The Wrong Jobs

13 Signs You’re Applying For The Wrong Jobs | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

What if all this while you’ve been applying for the wrong jobs, and that’s the reason your job search has not been working? Sure, after so many late-night resume revisions without any job offer to show for it, it can be tempting to wonder if getting a new job is even possible for you. But, the problem might be that you’re trying to fix the wrong thing. 

One classic mistake I see often from high-achievers in a variety of industries is that they’re applying for the wrong jobs, and they don’t even realize they’re doing it. Instead, they focus on fixing things like their resume, not knowing there’s another reason they’re not getting interviews or job offers. Or worse, if they are getting interviews and job offers, they have a higher risk of landing a new job with the same problems that motivated them to search for another job in the first place because they’re applying for the wrong positions.

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Why soft skills are becoming ever more important to businesses

Why soft skills are becoming ever more important to businesses | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Interpersonal skills, empathy and resilience are strongly desired by employers as they look towards business recovery. Riccarda Zezza discusses how these ‘soft’ skills can be developed in every day life.

With advances in technology and societal priorities, jobs are constantly evolving – meaning it’s now near-impossible to just learn one skill and settle into a career for life. The pandemic has added another twist to the theme but rapid change was already established.

According to a survey by McKinsey & Company, 87% of companies are experiencing skills gaps or expect them within a few years, and this tumultuous job market has birthed a new desire from employers to replace traditional skill sets with “soft” skills.

The key differentiator is that these don’t relate to what work you do, but how you work. They include interpersonal skills, emotional-based skills – like empathy and resilience – as well as time management, communication and many more.

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Why Should You Outsource Recruitment to Professionals?

Why Should You Outsource Recruitment to Professionals? | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Hiring a new employee can be a time-consuming and tedious process. If you hire the right individual, then your business will do well, but if you hire the wrong one, then all the effort to hire that candidate will go to waste. This is why companies have turned to recruitment agencies to make the hiring process more manageable. 

Companies like Crooton Recruitment have noted that this requirement is not just limited to large companies. Even start-ups are trying to get the best of their time’s worth by leaving the experts’ recruitment process. Let’s take a look at a few reasons why you should outsource your recruitment processes.

Multiple Vacancies

When done in-house, recruiting can become a challenge, and many positions can take months to fill. If you have many vacancies and are looking to mass-hire, then an external recruiter is right for you. They can quickly filter a list of candidates that have the requirements for the position. External recruiters can also help you find candidates pre-verified with background checks before they even reach the interview room.

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Cracking The C-Suite's Glass Ceiling

Cracking The C-Suite's Glass Ceiling | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

There’s good news and bad news in the fight for gender equality in Corporate America.

The good news: according to a new Korn Ferry study, the percentage of female executives (identified as vice president and above) has risen considerably in the last five years, from 31 percent in 2016 to 39 percent in 2021.

The bad news: The Covid pandemic has been devastating for women on the rise to roles for the future, and there are still far fewer women executives than men in the C-Suite overall. This is particularly woeful in general management overall and in many key functions and industries, more specifically.

In many instances, setting out to simply hire more women executives won’t alleviate the gender gap at the top of organizations.

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Combatting Ageism in the Workplace

Combatting Ageism in the Workplace | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Since diversity and inclusion took center stage in corporate America, you might think the modern era work environment is becoming an equal place for all. However, have we forgotten about the worker over 50? Unfortunately, ageism in the workplace occurs every day across America, and it is often not recognized and sometimes even accepted as harmless. You have probably overhead the comments and quiet jokes about older workers being sluggish, mentally dull, or technologically illiterate.

The Great Disconnect

The Bureau of Labor statistics reports that workers age 55-plus comprise a commanding 40.2% of the workforce, and individuals age 65-74 make up 27.8% of the labor force. Yet even with strong representation in corporate America, surveys still show that three in five older workers have experienced age bias in the workplace. When the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) was passed in 1967, it protected individuals over 40 against discrimination based on age. So, if people are working beyond traditional retirement timelines and are protected by law, how did this bias become so pervasive?

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Embracing workplace diversity

Embracing workplace diversity | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Of all the challenges an HR department runs into, diversity tops the list as one of the most discussed and most well-researched…and one of the most misunderstood and anxiety-provoking.

Let's start with a simple definition: Workplace diversity is the inclusion of different people in the workplace, and all that entails (diversity on teams, in leadership, voices making decisions, etc.)

What kinds of people need to be considered when organizations are thinking about diversity?

  • Generations (Boomer, Gen X, Millennial, Gen Z)
  • Backgrounds and cultures of origin
  • Sexual orientations (LGBTQ+)
  • Personality types (such as DISC types, or introvert/extrovert/ambivert)
  • Socio-economic backgrounds
  • Styles of learning (visual learners, auditory learners, etc.)

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5 Reasons for High Turnover Rates and Tips for Prevention

5 Reasons for High Turnover Rates and Tips for Prevention | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

What has changed for your organization since the beginning of 2020? Now more than ever, employers must be more empathetic, flexible, and transparent as the workforce navigates through this sudden work-life blend reality.

An article from The Atlantic shares that when the pandemic is officially over, one in six workers is projected to continue working from home or co-working at least two days a week. Another survey conducted by Upwork found that one-fifth of the workforce could be entirely remote after the pandemic. What do these statistics mean for your organization, and how do you plan to adapt?

5 Common (but Fixable) Causes of Employee Turnover

With so much change in the workforce, a strong company culture helps employees feel grounded and secure. Company culture and employee engagement are critical for increasing productivity, reducing employee turnover, and retaining key customers.  Gone are the days when talented employees left solely because of pay. Study after study shows that many factors that contribute to employee turnover.

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The Huge Cost of Bad Hires — And How to Stop It

The Huge Cost of Bad Hires — And How to Stop It | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

There’s one word that makes C-level executives, human resources departments, operations personnel, sales teams and financial staffs shake with fear: Turnover.

When a new hire doesn’t work out, stress ripples throughout the organization. When it happens more than once or repeatedly, the effects quickly become a tidal wave of profit loss, decreased employee engagement and revenue growth. Turnover affects almost every aspect of a business. And yet these tangible costs, substantial as they may be, really only represent the tip of the iceberg. Hiring mishaps can hurt morale, productivity, brand image and customer relationships. If your company acquires the reputation of having heavy turnover, it will be challenging to attract good applicants, hurting your future.

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Common Misconceptions About Executive Search Firms 

Common Misconceptions About Executive Search Firms  | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

In the world of recruiting, misconceptions often run rampant when talking about executive search firms. Despite the value that dedicated providers bring to the table, many organizations continually question whether outsourcing a high-level executive or C-suite search is worth the cost, according to a new report by TalentRise. “To educate our audience on the advantages of aligning with a proven executive recruiting firm, I’m here to disprove some of the most common misconceptions about executive recruiting,” said Pete Petrella, the report’s author. “Here are four of the most common myths related to executive search firms—and why they are all untrue.”

Myth No. 1: Anyone can execute an executive search by using a job board.

With an abundance of digital job boards available on the market today, many companies assume that posting their position to a site like ZipRecruiter or LinkedIn can help discover their next executive hire. “What these organizations fail to realize is the amount of behind-the-scenes work that goes into an executive search,” said Mr. Petrella. 

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Trends In Executive Recruiting That Will Help You Get The Best Talent

Trends In Executive Recruiting That Will Help You Get The Best Talent | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

The coronavirus pandemic may have put many things on pause over the last year, but the need to grow your business wasn’t one of them. With so many potential changes on the horizon, building the best executive leadership team has never been more important. How have talent acquisition and executive search adapted to the new normal? How can you use that to your company’s advantage?

I’m a member of an entrepreneurs group, and we’ve been trying to figure out the most effective method for finding the best execs. When doing some followup research on a Forbes article about top executive research firms, the methodology of one of the listed firms, N2Growth, caught my attention. I think it’s going to be key to helping many companies navigate the new market paradigm. In this article, I’ll share some of their methodology, while offering my own perspective as an entrepreneur. 

Landing game-changing talent is critical to the future of any business. To stay competitive and move with the trends, business leaders should take the following steps in their next executive search.

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How to Make the Right Executive Hire

How to Make the Right Executive Hire | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Last year, many executives opted for early retirement when COVID-19 hit. Others were let go by their companies due to perceived redundancy in roles or the need for financial cutbacks.

More than a year later, the economy is bouncing back and companies (both new and old) are trying to recruit quality leaders. And they’re discovering that hiring the right executive is more challenging than ever. But now is the time to invest in visionary, long-term leaders who can help your company adapt to the new future of work.

The consequences of the wrong executive hire

The consequences of making a bad hire at the executive level can be felt across the entire organization. The wrong leader — especially in the C-suite — can have lasting repercussions that continue long after they’ve left your company.

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Working From Home Is Here to Stay (for the Better)

Working From Home Is Here to Stay (for the Better) | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Thanks to the pandemic, we have a once-in-a-lifetime reset on the way we work. After a forced evacuation from workplaces in March of 2020, 50% of employees now say they don’t want to go back to the office full time. The bird is out of the cage. We have tasted freedom — freedom from commutes, freedom from mandated “face time” at the office and too much air travel for work.

We now know what’s possible. We can work and get our jobs done more efficiently working remotely than we ever imagined possible. For many employees, being forced to go into the office every day is now a dealbreaker. More than a quarter of those surveyed in a recent McKinsey study said they would consider switching employers if their organization returned to fully on-site work.

Many of us in the field of organization and leader development didn’t see this coming. But hybrid work, it appears, is here to stay.

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4 Ways Executives Can Attract Top Talent

4 Ways Executives Can Attract Top Talent | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

When asking college seniors where they want to work, their first responses might be Apple or Nike or Disney. The same might apply amongst any cohort you ask to list a company they want to work for, but it’s not because they have the best employer brand. All brands started unknown and had to build a reputation, a pattern of success in their industry, and a positive experience for users. All companies no matter their size, go through a version of this with hopes of winning more customers and earning more loyalty for their brand than the competition. To be successful, they must show how they are different and deliver what the customer is looking for. 

When your company is hiring, the same principles apply. You need to attract candidates, offer something candidates want and need, and do something better than your competitors. If your company has a smaller footprint, or does not produce household products or services or have an instantly recognizable brand, it can be more daunting to try and compete with large household names that attract thousands of candidates eager to get a big brand on their resume. It can be a challenge at times, competition is steep, and top talent has a lot of choice in the market—but it is not hopeless. While your talent acquisition function must focus on intentional planning and setting expectations for what you can offer candidates (your employer brand), you as an executive have an important role to play as well. 

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5 insights into building a culture with your remote teams

5 insights into building a culture with your remote teams | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

As more companies ponder the future of remote work, it’s going to be important to keep remote teams engaged with your business and brand. For the past 6 years, I’ve been a part of BKA Content, a award-winning company based in Utah, that has maintained a good reputation among its writers for creating an excellent remote working environment and known for its high standards.

According to Matt Secrist, co-founder and COO, BKA has over 600 independent contractors and 20 employees, all of whom work remotely. Over 200 of those writers have been with the company for two or more years. About 30 writers have been with the company for more than 6 years. It’s not easy to keep freelancers on board that long without some strong ties to the company.

Secrist states, “I think frequent communication…(makes) a huge difference.” I concur with this statement. BKA sends out a weekly newsletter to all its writers. After six years, I still enjoy reading it because it always gives relevant information. Their culture comes through in the newsletter. It’s not preachy. Sometimes, they have fun games and contests that create camaraderie and give us fun things beyond writing. 

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17 Indispensable Secrets to Management Success

17 Indispensable Secrets to Management Success | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Do you often wonder what the secrets to success are in management? You are not alone if so, as many managers find management to be incredibly challenging (especially when they first start out) but see many people seemingly born to be a manager. While it is certainly true that some people seem to be naturally good managers, there is also a lot that you can learn and skills that you can develop which could help you to excel.

The Secrets to Management Success

Discovering the secrets to successful management will help you excel in your role, get the most out of your team, overcome common business challenges and take the entire company forward. With this in mind, here are a few of the main secrets to management success that could help you to start making improvements right now.

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What Does a Recruiter Do? Your Guide

What Does a Recruiter Do? Your Guide | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

You should hire someone when you need to hire someone. More than 650,000 Americans work as recruiters. 

You may think that that number is excessive. You know that recruiters help fill job positions, and that is the truth about them. But that’s only part of the truth. 

What does a recruiter do? What are some important skills that they should have? What exactly happens when a company recruits for a position? 

Answer these questions and you can enrich your understanding of human resources and job applications. Here is your quick guide. 

Recruiter Tasks 

A recruiter fills important jobs at companies. They are sometimes called “an executive recruiter,” focusing on filling high-level jobs for major corporations. But you can work as a recruiter for middle managers and less important positions. 

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How Covid Changed Executive Recruiting

How Covid Changed Executive Recruiting | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Covid-19 has taken its toll on the workplace; by some accounts, 7 out of 10 workers believe the Covid era has been the most challenging period of their professional lives. In healthcare—the industry in which I serve—I believe that ratio to be much higher.

The workplace disruption has translated into tremendous uncertainty in the executive job market. Candidates throughout the pandemic have been skittish though not shy about searching for new work. In a WittKieffer survey conducted last fall, 95% of executives indicated that they were at least open to a new role. Covid has given leaders a greater sense of prioritization about what’s important for them personally and professionally—and often this means a job or career change.

What has also changed is the way that executive recruiting is playing out. My colleagues and I have adopted new practices and habits in order to meet candidate expectations and serve clients better. 

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10 Leadership Habits of Highly Effective Leaders

10 Leadership Habits of Highly Effective Leaders | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

When someone claims that they know how to lead using a specific formula, run. There is no one way to lead or no specific formula to follow, but there are certain habits that if you practice daily, you will become a better leader.

“Leadership is influence — nothing more, nothing less.” — John Maxwell

Brene Brown defines leadership in terms of courage. She states that a true leader is a person who believes in her people’s potential and has the courage to develop them. John Maxwell agrees with Brene Brown but defines leadership by saying, “Leadership is influence — nothing more, nothing less.”

As we see above, it is hard for two experts to agree on one definition of leadership, so this article will not give you a single skill or formula to be a better leader. Instead, it will provide you something better, 10 habits that you need to gain influence with the courage to develop your team’s potential.

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How Has the Recruitment Process Changed in the New ‘Virtual’ World?

How Has the Recruitment Process Changed in the New ‘Virtual’ World? | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

It is fair to say that 2020 shook recruitment (along with most other sectors) to its core. Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, changes to the recruitment industry that were expected to take years have happened in mere months.

But now that we are almost halfway through 2021, are these changes likely to stick around?

Out of necessity, many employees were forced to work from home for the majority of last year. But this necessity has created new opportunity, with many companies realizing business can carry on, as usual, no matter where their teams are based. Now, many organizations are adopting an increasingly hybrid approach to the workplace.

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Talent Is More Scarce Than Capital. How to Attract and Retain Great People.

Talent Is More Scarce Than Capital. How to Attract and Retain Great People. | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

Companies with strong work/employee cultures don’t happen by chance. Instead, they deliberately place high value on making sure team members can bring their entire selves to work. A great many Millennials and Gen Z members no longer see a job as a means to simply get a paycheck, but as an integrated part of their lives. So, creating strong links to an individual’s purpose benefits both them and the company alike – and could be the very thing that differentiates an organization in a time of post-pandemic uncertainties. According to McKinsey & Company, companies with strong culture generate three times higher total return to shareholders than those that don’t.

Take a stance on purpose

As leaders continue organizing for the post-Covid future, they are beginning to understand that purpose can no longer be relegated to high-level intentions or catchy slogans. Many are grasping that the great challenges of our time — such as climate change, wealth inequity and disintegrating trust in institutions — are, in part, a by-product of what’s often considered a winner-takes-all economy.

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How to Make Your Next Career Move

How to Make Your Next Career Move | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

It may seem counterintuitive that despite the pandemic — or perhaps because of it — a surprising number of people are considering a voluntary career move. They may be motivated by an increasing sense of dissatisfaction with their present position or, on a more positive note, they may be identifying new opportunities as business leaders look to transform their industries and the way they operate and bring on new talent to achieve these goals. “The reality is that, as a job seeker, you’re either running from something or toward something,” concluded a new report by Bert Miller, chief executive officer of Protis Global. “It’s important to understand what’s inspiring your search, in order to ensure your next move sets you up for greater success and satisfaction.”

Before you embark on this path and invest time and energy into a job search, said Mr. Miller, ask yourself these questions: Are you frustrated with something? Perhaps your boss, your pay, or the particulars of your role? Is there a different industry you feel drawn towards? What objective are you hoping to achieve both immediately and long-term?

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Common Misconceptions About Executive Search Firms 

Common Misconceptions About Executive Search Firms  | ISC Recruiting News & Views |

In the world of recruiting, misconceptions often run rampant when talking about executive search firms. Despite the value that dedicated providers bring to the table, many organizations continually question whether outsourcing a high-level executive or C-suite search is worth the cost, according to a new report by TalentRise. “To educate our audience on the advantages of aligning with a proven executive recruiting firm, I’m here to disprove some of the most common misconceptions about executive recruiting,” said Pete Petrella, the report’s author. “Here are four of the most common myths related to executive search firms—and why they are all untrue.”

Myth No. 1: Anyone can execute an executive search by using a job board.

With an abundance of digital job boards available on the market today, many companies assume that posting their position to a site like ZipRecruiter or LinkedIn can help discover their next executive hire. “What these organizations fail to realize is the amount of behind-the-scenes work that goes into an executive search,” said Mr. Petrella. 

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